Portal de Cartagena


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Cartagena News - November 2012

detail of Cartagena
  • The neighborhood Pinwheel Roman Forum, National Award for Restoration and Conservation (30/11/2012)

  • UPyD welcomes the decision of the treasure of the frigate "Our Lady of Mercy" fully come to Cartagena (30/11/2012)

  • The Recovery Project and Neighborhood Conservation Pinwheel Roman Forum (Cartagena), National Award for Restoration and Conservation of Cultural Property 2012 (30/11/2012)
    Awarded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports
  • Cartageneros tourists and improve their knowledge of fish reared in the region (30/11/2012)
    Tourism Councillor promises that the city held again next year on the European Day of Aquaculture with many more activities
  • The medieval expands to the Castillo de la Concepción (30/11/2012)

  • Children's Theatre for APANDA (30/11/2012)
    Teatro Municipal School represent the December 21 Christmas Estrellita work, performed by the youth group, to benefit children with hearing problems
  • Cut water areas and Tallante Guide (30/11/2012)
    On Tuesday there will be two separate water shortages due to maintenance and improvement of driving, which held the Commonwealth Taibilla channel, as has reported Aquagest
  • Chick Corea will close the 32nd edition of the Cartagena Jazz Festival (30/11/2012)
    The concert, which also act Christian McBride and Brian Blade, will be Saturday Auditorium The Batel
  • Theatre and sports come together this weekend in La Aljorra (30/11/2012)
    Activities take place on the occasion of the XVII Culture Theatre Festival and the Campo de Cartagena.
  • 370000 LED Christmas light up from next week (30/11/2012)
    The City gets a 30 percent savings in lighting award schedule that will expand over last year
  • The Local Police releases material alcohol tests (30/11/2012)
    During the week from 1 to 7 December, the agents will perform inspections on the main roads of the city and in the neighborhoods, in which use new signals cones and standing lights
  • The St. Lucia Yacht Club trophies delivery Vela Latina (30/11/2012)
    On Saturday closes the 2012 season with a ceremony to be held in the clubhouse and who attend District Councilman, Isaiah Camarzana
  • The actress Marta Nieto, FICC Prize / Gas Natural Fenosa 2012 (30/11/2012)
    The award will be presented during the closing ceremony of the festival, on December 14, in the Auditorium The Batel
  • The Odyssey treasure will be headquartered in Cartagena final (30/11/2012)
    The decision that the half million coins carrying the María de las Mercedes is located in the ARQUA definitely has been sent to the mayor by the Secretary of State for Culture
  • Improving access to college Miranda (30/11/2012)
    The Neighborhood Council has carried out a treatment of the road with asphalt distributors, in order to avoid risks to children and parents in and out of school
  • Arden six manufactured homes in Villas Caravaning (30/11/2012)
    The incident occurred yesterday afternoon, being totally extinguished at midnight
  • Morocco is interested in Cartagena (29/11/2012)
    Channel Atlas prepares a report on the city and the region where they live and work numerous compatriots
  • The ADLE get internships to students of employment workshops Casa Mayor (29/11/2012)
    About 40 unemployed have been trained in these courses which conclude on 15 December
  • ASTUS named Honorary Member Antonio Calderón (29/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman receive this award during the association dinner held on Friday at the Hotel Alfonso XIII
  • The Sport as an example of excellence, on the Day of Persons with Disabilities (29/11/2012)

  • The Local Police revises twenty buses provide busing campaign (29/11/2012)
    agents have reported three of them for not carrying an attendant
  • The work Luces de Bohemia, a musical about Camilo Sesto and pass through El Moncho Borrajo Batel (29/11/2012)
    The Auditorium will confirm new additions to its schedule for the coming months
  • The portrait of former Mayor Mariano Sanz Zabala is already owned by the City (29/11/2012)
    His family has given the mayor's box that laid the foundation stone of the Palace Hall and began the work of graduate schools
  • They teach entrepreneurs different ways of financing to advance its business (29/11/2012)
    The CEEIC ADLE and organized a technical seminar in which 70 SMEs responsible for learning to get money for their projects
  • Cartagena in a bank Sabadell Clip-CAM (29/11/2012)
    The site of Calblanque and several streets of the town are some of the scenarios chosen as part of this project, involving members of several bands in the city
  • Knights and Princesses, riding climbs, inflatables and medieval caps in the Castillo de la Concepción (29/11/2012)
    Cartagena Port of Cultures and the departments of Tourism and Commerce organized activities during the weekend in the old fort on the occasion of the Medieval Market
  • Tasting fish indigenous to the European Day of Aquaculture (29/11/2012)
    For the first time this event is organized in the city so that tourists know cartageneros species that breed on the shores of the Region
  • The Polytechnic University of Cartagena and the OviConsumo Consumur present, an online service of consultation and advice on consumer (29/11/2012)
    It can access the service on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 12.00 to 14.00
  • The City Council table raises 1444 euros in the fight against cancer (28/11/2012)
    A twenty tables have also collaborated on the alms that have been developed in the city, neighborhoods and councils
  • Open to occur within the II Christmas Window Dressing Competition (28/11/2012)
    Establishments Entrants must be less than 300 square meters and request enrollment in the Department of Commerce
  • The Magic Flute by Mozart, in Spanish and children in El Batel (28/11/2012)
    Ferro Theatre Company will bring this opera for children on December 30, in the Auditorium program for Christmas
  • The road will be a new avenue Torreciega summer (28/11/2012)

  • The ADLE and provide financial alternatives CEEIC SMEs (28/11/2012)
    held on Thursday a technical conference in the Industrial Cabezo Beaza to advise entrepreneurs on alternatives to raise money for their projects
  • The program helps Telepatio secondary pupils to understand themselves (28/11/2012)
    Adorers students are recording videos within the program organized by the City Council, to express their views on drugs and alcohol
  • The Algar joins routes caps (28/11/2012)
    Held from 5 to 9 December, coinciding with the bridge, and provide cover and drink for 2 euros
  • The Federation of Carnival contest chirigotas moved to Batel (28/11/2012)
    Besides this novelty, the responsible parties, and involved in the organization of the Carnival 2013, presented the poster and characters, Don Carnal and Doña Cuaresma
  • The EF Torre Pacheco and Garden City UCAM share lead in pre-youngest category B (27/11/2012)
    They are the most and fewest goals scorers championship
  • Work begins transforming Didio Titus Avenue in Torreciega (27/11/2012)
    To avoid inconvenience to drivers, it will pass alternative vehicles running on such a track
  • Alms of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (27/11/2012)
    The day had suspended a few weeks ago in the rain
  • The Supreme Court will have to decide on the opening of a square outside the Church of Charity (27/11/2012)

  • The municipalities of the region plotted in Cartagena an employment plan for next year (27/11/2012)
    The meeting proposed the establishment of a technical committee to conduct daily monitoring of market developments
  • SKSOL plant will bring jobs and economic growth to Cartagena (27/11/2012)

  • The Medieval Market XI Hull animate the streets this weekend (27/11/2012)
    A tastefully decorated with 156 stalls, demonstration workshops and shows every 15 minutes, make an offer for all ages
  • Traffic Court in Hull by the medieval market (27/11/2012)
    From Thursday to Sunday will not be circular shafts-Gisbert Serreta San Diego or San Francisco
  • Cartagena hosts the final of the League Regional Tow (27/11/2012)
    The event, which also assists the City Council, will begin Saturday 1 with a conference at the Hotel Habaneros
  • Cartagena, present in the Fair EIBTM International Congress (26/11/2012)
    Copyright Convention Bureau have attended the meetings to be held in Barcelona to promote the city as a destination for conferences and workshops
  • The Medieval Market is installed in December at the old (26/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman, Antonio Calderon, presented tomorrow event details
  • The burial of AVE on arrival to Cartagena goes ahead (26/11/2012)
    is the announcement by the Town Planning during the council meeting held this morning, which have also highlighted issues of social significance, such as domestic violence or evictions
  • The biggest visit Barrio Roman Forum (26/11/2012)
    Clubs The Slum Barreros and Four Saints visit on Thursday the site
  • OPEA guide to 500 unemployed in Cartagena (26/11/2012)
    Youth under 30 years and long-term unemployed aged over 45 are the recipients of this program that launches ADLE
  • Educating girls to stop gender violence (26/11/2012)
    Two hundred people are concentrated in the Town Hall Square to demand the eradication of female abuse
  • Santa Cecilia concert of the musical group Sauces (26/11/2012)
    It will take place on Friday at the Nuevo Teatro Circo, culminating a series of activities organized in honor of the patron saint of music
  • Alumbres increases its green spaces (26/11/2012)
    Alums Neighborhood Board and the Department of Environment of the City of Cartagena began last weekend a plantation of 4,000 species in several areas of the council
  • Raul Guevara and Antonio Martinez, the fastest in the XI Cross Artillery (26/11/2012)
    About 3,000 athletes participated in the test yesterday, which organized the Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment No. 73 with the cooperation of the City of Cartagena
  • The U.S. Navy cruiser docked first Saturday in Cartagena (23/11/2012)
    The ship, with nearly 1,300 passengers, will be received by the Councillor for Tourism Palazón Carolina
  • 4,000 trees to reforest Alumbres (23/11/2012)

  • Conferences and exhibitions for the European Day of Aquaculture (23/11/2012)
    November 30 will be various activities on the esplanade of Muelle de Alfonso XII
  • Change in the courses of Informatics Department of Women (23/11/2012)

  • Plenary municipal corporation essentially political (23/11/2012)
    A single point agenda against thirty inicativas of opposition groups in the session to be held on Monday
  • The band Marfagones Mill celebrates the feast of St. Cecilia (23/11/2012)

  • Gastronomy, workshops and films for all audiences in the 41st edition of FICC (23/11/2012)
    Councillor for Culture and festival director presented this morning programming International Film Festival of Cartagena, which will run from 9 to 14 December
  • National Championship sailing in waters of the Mar Menor (23/11/2012)
    The Yacht Club will host Grandchildren Saturday and Sunday during the National Open South I-Class Laser, I Metropolis Trophy FM, part of the National Tour 2012
  • La Manga Club celebrates its 40th anniversary with a mountain race (23/11/2012)
    The test, which has the support of the Department of Sports, will be held on December 16 and, until 10, will remain open enrollment period
  • The Football Club of Santa Ana turf debut fter Reyes (23/11/2012)
    This initiative also will join the refurbishment of 11 football fields New Cartagena and Los Dolores
  • The Local Board for Coordination and Monitoring Gender Violence starts walking (23/11/2012)
    The mayor presided over the creation of this forum with the participation of various government agencies involved and who will try to streamline procedures and facilitate complaints
  • The Governing Board approved projects in the network of interceptors and sewage (23/11/2012)
    The actions focus on Cabezo Beaza, Marfagones Molinos and La Aljorra
  • Paquito D'Rivera Quintet with the Cimarron, and Christian Scott in Cartagena Jazz Festival (23/11/2012)
    El Nuevo Teatro Circo hosts on Saturday with a double bill starring Cuban music
  • The older they learn to use the computer (22/11/2012)
    The Municipal Institute of Social Services has closed courses I and II Computing organized by the Department of Social Care
  • Battered women learn to decide for themselves (22/11/2012)
    The Department of Women helps them develop their will with workshops that are held to commemorate the International Day Against Domestic Violence
  • Begins to walk the Bureau of Local Coordination and Monitoring Gender Violence (22/11/2012)
    On Friday its first meeting will take place in the council room of the Palace Hall
  • Young people begin to occupy the Youth Center Quarries (22/11/2012)
    The mayor has visited training facilities for leisure and youth, they say, are the largest in the world in the region
  • The MURAM opens its doors to over Algar (22/11/2012)
    Accompanied by Councilman Social Care, this morning visited the museum and the exhibition of sculptures by González Beltrán
  • Anda Ya, the alarm 40, arrives at Cartagena (22/11/2012)
    Listeners may attend this afternoon in The Tender, a recording of the program, to be broadcast throughout Spain on Friday
  • The sculpture throughout history, at the Teatro Romano (22/11/2012)
    The Museum auditorium hosts from Monday Sculptures course, the power of images, with a conference program that will run until December 4
  • Cartagena applauds young talent between strings and brass (21/11/2012)
    Yesterday was held in the Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music the second concert promotional cycle, which closes today in Murcia
  • Alumni remodel Apeadero Juan Carlos I Park, New Cartagena (21/11/2012)
    Young people aged 20 to 24 years, several native species planted drought resistant in an area of ​​5,000 square meters
  • 4,000 trees to reforest Alumbres (21/11/2012)

  • The older tradition preserved quince (21/11/2012)
    The Social Care concecal inaugurated the course Tuesday in the classrooms of the Miraculous
  • Runs over a local police while being chased by robbery (21/11/2012)
    The official, who suffers minor injuries, fired the wheels to not be hit
  • A Guide collect resources entities Social Action (21/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman yesterday met again with representatives of these entities, with which he put on the table the launch of a solidarity network in Cartagena
  • Published VI schedules the day of the Grassroots Local League (21/11/2012)
    Games will be held between Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 November
  • Arrested for threatening and assaulting his father and his former stepfather (21/11/2012)
    Assistance from local police were reported last weekend in Pozo Strait and Cartagena
  • UPyD Cartagena asked if the City will enforce ordinances throughout the county (21/11/2012)

  • Celebration begins with Christmas preparations (20/11/2012)
    municipal brigades are already working on the placement of Bethlehem in the Plaza San Francisco and, in addition, the City has lifted lighting contracting parties
  • The Cross Artillery expectations covers about 3,000 registered (20/11/2012)
    Athletes will meet on Sunday from 10.30 am in the Paseo de Alfonso XII
  • Enter the gateway service rose Rambla de Benipila (20/11/2012)
    The contractor has completed the works that will enable communication pedestrian neighborhood health center of the street Concepcion Luis Calandre
  • The Quarries Scout and Astronomical Center of Cartagena are installed at the Youth Center of Quarries (20/11/2012)
    The mayor and the heads of both groups this morning signed an agreement by which they give such facilities
  • UCAM Garden City, La Union CF, EF San Ginés, EF and AD La Torre Pacheco Vaguada, the best start in the championship (20/11/2012)
    The fifth day of the Grassroots league, held last weekend, highlighted by sportsmanship in their encounters
  • The great performance of solo strings and brass Among imprints upon Lorca (20/11/2012)
    Last night marked the first concert of this promotional competition for young musical talents, with full capacity in the Auditorium of the City of the Sun
  • Cultural Week Inaugurated VI Senior Santa Ana (20/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman, Antonio Calderon on Monday gave the go-ahead to the activities planned for this week
  • The ADLE awarded 22 scholarships for internships in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland (20/11/2012)
    After the deadline for applications to participate in the mobility program Leonardo da Vinci
  • Social Services joins the International Day of the Rights of the Child (20/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman Wednesday to attend the reading of those rights, which will be performed at the Hospital of Saint Lucia and end with a storyteller by volunteers biggest clubs
  • Therapy canine, workshops and cultural visits in the Day Centre The Algar (20/11/2012)
    Along with the Municipal Social Services, has organized a series of activities taking place during the month of November
  • The Association debuts CreeCT is calling for a reforestation Mount Galeras Cartagena on Sunday November 25th (19/11/2012)

  • The ADLE receives hundreds of requests for the average English course to the public (19/11/2012)
    The classes, which are taught in the Quarries Occupational Center, have begun today
  • The City and UPCT join forces to prevent the extinction of garbancillo of Tallante (19/11/2012)
    The total cost of the project, which belongs to the European program LIFE + Biodiversity, amounts to 1,263,033 euros
  • 320 businesses obtain permission in record time thanks to the municipal-ready licensing (19/11/2012)
    Total licenses granted to already exceeds last year
  • Course and Roundtable against gender violence (19/11/2012)
    It will take place on Thursday, organized by the Department of Women and Homemakers Association on the occasion of the commemoration of the International Day Against Gender Violence, November 25
  • The ALDE, example of good practice in the field of job placement (19/11/2012)

  • ... (19/11/2012)

  • Water Court in Los Urrutias, Punta Brava, Starfish and The Carmolí (19/11/2012)
    Aquagest reported Wednesday that the supply will be interrupted in the area due to maintenance and improvement
  • The local police come to the history and culture of the city (19/11/2012)
    The SPACE has organized a course for managers and agents, which began Thursday and runs until 29 November, which aims to provide knowledge about the city and its bylaws
  • The Jesus Nazarene returns to St. Lucia (19/11/2012)
    The image, from the Association Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno de La Union, yesterday traveled by train to the port city to twin with the Fishermen's Association
  • The greatest culinary traditions preserved quince with a workshop (16/11/2012)
    The course begins on November 20 in the classrooms of the Miraculous
  • The Batel marks one year since the release of its schedule with a day full of events (16/11/2012)
    Celebrating the launch of the program with performances by Patti Smith, a collective exhibition and a talk to high school students
  • Cultural Week Barrio de la Concepción (16/11/2012)
    Held from 22 to 28 November and is organized by the Association of Women of the neighborhood, the Senior Citizens Club and the Parish, with the cooperation of the City
  • On Monday cut traffic on the street works Sighs of Sorrows (16/11/2012)
    As reported by the local police, the work focused on the renewal of drinking water systems and rainwater, interrupt the passage of vehicles for a month or so
  • Manos Unidas organizes its V Paella Sunday Solidarity (16/11/2012)
    The money raised will go to the construction of primary schools in Africa
  • Sport for all abilities at the Games for Integration (16/11/2012)

  • The best female vocal jazz with Melody Gardot and Stacey Kent (16/11/2012)
    A double bill in the Auditorio The Batel hosts a double bill on Saturday in the Cartagena Jazz Festival
  • Younger make the Olympics in a game (16/11/2012)
    About 600 children and Primary took part in the sporting event that has taken place during this week in St. Lucia
  • The Moreo Sixto Antonio Cartagena wins poster contest carnival (16/11/2012)
    The Festival Committee has chosen the work frento Carnaval Cartagena is among the more than 117 works were submitted this year
  • The Donkeys pylon looks restored in the Plaza of Spain (16/11/2012)
    After completing the work to reposition the curb cuts that had fallen, the scaffolds were removed and the mesh that protected the area, exposing this piece XVI century
  • The Civil Guard dismantled an organized group dedicated to theft catalytic (16/11/2012)
    have been arrested three members of the band, on suspicion of felony burglary
  • SPCT proposes that the city implement a cabinet psychological support for families who are to be evicted (16/11/2012)

  • Repsol increases by 60% the volume of freight traffic in Cartagena with its enlargement (16/11/2012)
    Joaquín García-IS, Engineering and Development Director of Repsol Cartagena, participates in a new edition of "Breakfast with entrepreneurs" AJE
  • Agreement with the technological UPCT Stella Maris Cartagena of students with special educational needs (16/11/2012)

  • T-LA program teaches young people how to manage a mixer (15/11/2012)
    It is open enrollment period of the course, which starts on 19
  • Manuel Campos receives President of Youth Council of Cartagena (15/11/2012)

  • Canicross organizing a conference on one of the modalities of Cross Artillery (15/11/2012)
    The organization of the competition will give indications on November 19 to participate in this category
  • The marvel of lightness, Montalbán Sanchez, in the Palacio Molina (15/11/2012)
    The exhibition, a selection of photographs that speak of simple things, opens on November 16 and will be open until January 20th
  • The Games for Integration reach Cartagena (15/11/2012)

  • Six novels frontline opt Mandarache and Hache Awards 2013 (15/11/2012)
    Councillor for Youth has released the details of this eighth edition of the Awards, the registration period for eligible jury will be open from today until 20 December
  • Patti Smith presents his latest work in the Cartagena Jazz Festival (15/11/2012)
    The singer will perform tomorrow at 21.30 in the Batel
  • The Union Nazarene returns to its origins cartageneros (15/11/2012)

  • The climber Carlos Garranzo share their experiences with students from IES Politecnico (15/11/2012)
    The activity is part of the outreach program at Sport à ‰ lite
  • The Charity Hospital California imports a model for treating drug addicts (15/11/2012)
    The center has expanded its Treatment Unit of Addictive Behaviors, which will deal with during the week to 24 patients, coming home only on weekends
  • Shadow of Tenorio arrives on Friday The Batel (15/11/2012)
    The role will be 16 November.
  • A Swedish delegation copied the ADLE measures to create jobs at home (15/11/2012)
    The Second Deputy Mayor, Nicholas Angel Bernal, and Councilman Jobs, Diego Ortega, I have received this morning
  • Local authority and social action are coordinated to help the needy (14/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman has held meetings with the Food Bank, Red Cross and the Federation of Neighborhood Associations to launch a solidarity aid impaired citizens
  • Sodicar advised to check their diet diabetics (14/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman, Antonio Calderon has inaugurated the lecture XI Week Diabetic Cartagena
  • Published times of the day of the League V Local Grassroots (14/11/2012)
    Games will be held between Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November
  • T-LA program organizes a cake decorating workshop (14/11/2012)
    The course will be held on Sunday 18 in the Sweet Confectionery
  • One hundred requests for twenty places on the course of German basic ADLE (14/11/2012)
    Given the success of the announcement, the agency has decided to give another chance to those who have been left out, organizing a new edition next January
  • The 22 percent of municipal employees generally secondary strike (14/11/2012)
    Of the 1032 workers who were able to exercise their right, 805 have joined this morning at their jobs
  • An exhibition looks at the meaning of the term Batel landscape (13/11/2012)
    The sample, which involved several artists, is the first of a cycle of nature exhibition to be held in the auditorium
  • Cartagena is consolidating as a congress city (13/11/2012)
    Nephrologists Congress also was announced in June 2013, the city has been chosen for the celebration of the National Congress of Medical Nursing, to be held in November
  • The local victories are imposed on the fourth day of the football league base (13/11/2012)
    The Amateur Championship played his first day in the Garden City Municipal Golf and Alums
  • Decrease in the number of crimes and accidents in the city (13/11/2012)
    Local Police celebrated the day of its patron, San Leandro, with a Mass in Charity, in which six officers were distinguished for their work
  • The rain and wind cause falling trees in several parts of the city (13/11/2012)
    The brigades municipal parks and gardens have had to cut several specimens, including a large poplar the Cradle House garden, and have managed to relocate two jacarandas in the Plaza of Spain
  • Broken up an important point of production and distribution of marijuana in Los Nietos to Cartagena (13/11/2012)
    four people have been arrested on suspicion of crimes against public health and fraud of electricity
  • The buses will operate on a Sunday schedule during the day strike (13/11/2012)

  • The ADLE gives diplomas to students of Urgent Medical Transport Course (13/11/2012)
    After successfully completing 100 hours of training, the fifteen people who have participated in the course this morning received accreditation from the hands of Employment and councilor responsible for Red Cross Cartagena
  • SPCT proposes that children of the evicted families have free municipal daycare (13/11/2012)
    "The council should set up a holiday bag with social housing to locate the evicted families in Cartagena"
  • The rain gave respite to jazz Sauces (12/11/2012)
    Tens of Cartagena peered hear the musicians playing at noon in the plaza Icue
  • Treasury reminds municipal providers must submit their bills by 31 December (12/11/2012)

  • The City Council recruitment brings telephony services and internet (12/11/2012)
    Offers may be submitted until December 4 in the recruitment unit located in the Administration Building
  • Between the sixteenth edition of strings and brass and sounds (12/11/2012)
    previous contest winners will perform next week in Lorca, Murcia and Cartagena with the Chamber Orchestra of Cartagena
  • The Willows Musical Group celebrates Santa Cecilia (12/11/2012)
    The titular band and chamber ensemble conducted several performances to celebrate the day of the patron saint of music
  • The Roman Theatre Museum opens on Monday deadline to register for a course on sculptures (09/11/2012)
    The conferences will be held from November 19 to December 4 at the museum
  • Show Choral Master Jose Espinosa (09/11/2012)
    Various corals Cartagena and Mar Menor perform at the event, which will take place on Sunday 11 and 18 November in the Carmelite church
  • About 600 children participate in the Children's Olympics XIV (09/11/2012)
    The sporting event will begin on November 13
  • Water cut in the Los Urrutias (09/11/2012)
    The outage for maintenance work, which had been scheduled for last Wednesday, was not held due to rain, so it will take place Monday
  • Alumni Miralmonte Fencing approach through ADE (09/11/2012)
    A group of students shared the day with teachers Thursday Fencing Club Cartagena, which featured an exhibition and gave the kids a chance to play the sport
  • Vote for Four Saints and the Virgin of Rosell (09/11/2012)
    On Saturday, the feast of the patron of the ancient city, the City Council will meet one of its most ancient promises: that of Santa Catalina storm
  • Gabino Diego starring comedy The Blackout (09/11/2012)
    The function is this Saturday at the Auditorium The Batel
  • The FICC select the shorts that will be screened during the film festival (09/11/2012)
    The works will be screened from 9 to 14 December in the Official Selection of Short Films and MURcine
  • Young unemployed rehabilitate the old station of Barrio Peral (09/11/2012)
    The mayor has visited the building, which has been restored by students of the School Workshop Local Development Agency and Employment
  • V greater cultural week in Los Dolores (09/11/2012)
    From 12 to 16 November, the biggest club in the neighborhood of Cartagena has scheduled a series of activities in collaboration with the IMSS
  • The Governing Board approved the cooperation agreement between the City and FC Cartagena (09/11/2012)
    Among the agreements also include the creation of the local board of gender violence and the award of grants to youth groups
  • The Department of Sports distributes thousand entries Cartagonova between grassroots football clubs (09/11/2012)
    Young athletes may attend the meeting to be held on Sunday the Cartagena with Melilla
  • SPCT proposes that the city becomes a mediator in evictions (09/11/2012)
    "Local government should negotiate with the banks to defend citizens'
  • Sculptures, Gonzalez Beltran, is divided between the Roman Theater and MURAM (09/11/2012)

  • The Civil Guard detained the alleged author of several burglaries in homes of Poblado Naval Cartagena (09/11/2012)
    As part of the investigation have been recovered some of the stolen effects in robbery
  • Valcárcel MURAM opens in the sample that exhibits 20 years of sculptural production González Beltrán (08/11/2012)
    The president of the Community emphasizes "the strength and vitality with which the author continues to work in the search for new horizons, without denying of Progress now and rejecting any temptation to accommodate "
  • The Factory Story, at the Cultural Center (08/11/2012)

  • Film & Older projected Tertulia for Exotic Marigold Hotel (08/11/2012)
    November 15 will be held at the Cultural Center a new session of the program organized by the IMSS and including, after the screening, a chat moderated by psychologist Maria Irigoyen
  • Social Services is launching a campaign to collect clothes (08/11/2012)
    Under the slogan Not the Tires, Give it to me, is intended to make the municipality more
  • The Olympian Jose Antonio Exposito and Sport Primi approach to school sport (08/11/2012)
    The Virginia school students Perez and La Asomada participated in this activity through the ADE program of the Department of Sports
  • Youth gives the keys to travel to low price (08/11/2012)
    InfoViaje The program helps young people to go to other cities without spending much money
  • Submitted XI Diabetic Week in Cartagena (08/11/2012)

  • Nephrologists cartageneros convince the city to host the Congress of this specialty pediatric (08/11/2012)
    About 200 doctors treated in June 2013 on various kidney problems in children in the Auditorium and Congress Palace The Batel
  • Witheld poster contest Easter 2013 (08/11/2012)
    The jury does not decide on any of the ten papers presented and carried directly to order
  • Gerontogimnasia, tours and musical performances in the VI Cultural Week Over Santa Ana (07/11/2012)
    Social Care Councilman, Antonio Calderon, opened the week on November 19
  • Youth offer the use of spaces and offices Quarries Youth Center (07/11/2012)
    are three workspaces aimed at artists and eight offices for youth groups, leaving open the application deadline until November 26
  • XVI International Research on Care, in The Batel (07/11/2012)
    The Mayor and the Minister of Health, today participated in the inauguration of the conference, held in Room A of the auditorium until November 9
  • Gonzalez Beltran opens Thursday at the MURAM Sculptures (07/11/2012)
    The exhibition offers a retrospective of the work of one of the most important exponents of the last decades plastic
  • The Civil Guard detained five people for the theft and handling stolen metal material in the AP-7 (07/11/2012)
    They sold the stolen effects in a scrap and metals company
  • Students and faculty from the Do not Worry Be Healthy Comenius already in Cartagena (07/11/2012)
    Along with their hosts, the CEIP Our Lady of Sorrows, the participants in the educational project today visited the Palace Hall, where they Councillor for Youth has welcomed the city
  • The FICC Organizes Workshop Craft Film Amateur (07/11/2012)
    Touching Entitled Film, is back to the beginnings of film history and will take place during the last week of November at the headquarters of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations
  • The Bridge All Saints is settled with several traffic violations (07/11/2012)
    Agents Local Police conducted a legal blood alcohol, two administrative and charged another driver for driving without driving license
  • The Local Police recovered a stolen vehicle (07/11/2012)
    It was located on Saturday in St. Lucia, with some broken glass and blows to the body, and is still investigating to identify the alleged perpetrators of the facts
  • The Willows Musical Association prepares a repertoire of Jazz in the street (07/11/2012)
    The concert will be on Sunday Icue Square
  • Published times of the day of the League IV Local Grassroots (07/11/2012)
    The matches will be played between Thursday 1st and Sunday November 4
  • A "rain of faith" in Cartagena invades Alumni Meeting Catholic Religion (06/11/2012)

  • Education emphasizes that students already have La Palma busing (06/11/2012)
    The director general of the PSOE critical infrastructure "late again" because the Department has made available to students a bus with more places
  • Suspended by rain the alms of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (06/11/2012)
    The conference was to be held on Wednesday with the installation of various tables petitionary Tour
  • The third round of the league with 894 goals is settled (06/11/2012)
    Category Pre-Benjamin became the most scoring with 145 many
  • Shows Cartagena Port of Cultures in Tourism Fair in London (06/11/2012)

  • Youth entire Region of hope fill Cartagena (06/11/2012)
    About 4,000 students participate in the V Encuentro Catholic Religion Alumni
  • The mayor proposes a constructive attitude to the grim unemployment figures (06/11/2012)

  • Course Instruction Judicial Police and prosecuted in the SPACE (06/11/2012)
    Today begins this training to be held during the months of November and December and is intended for police officers and municipal staff
  • Bertrand Alcaraz and Carlota Garcia Cartageneros best athletes in 2011 (06/11/2012)
    The delivery will take place on December 4 in the Auditorium of The Batel
  • The Municipal League Football Fan F-8 comes of age (05/11/2012)
    The competition begins this afternoon at the Garden City municipal fields and Alums
  • A look at the War of the Canton, with the program T-La (05/11/2012)
    Youth has organized for Saturday a guided two-hour scenarios which is considered the last romantic war, since the actual scale of the Port to Military Historical Museum
  • V Alumni Meeting in Cartagena Catholic Religion (05/11/2012)
    Some 4000 young people will participate in this meeting on Tuesday organized by the Delegation of Education of the Diocese of Cartagena, and receive the greetings of the mayor at the Palace Hall
  • The seventeenth edition of the Theatre and Culture Aljorra opens with a performance by Grupo Folklorico de Cartagena (05/11/2012)
    Neighborhood Association has scheduled performances, conferences and sporting events until end of year
  • The Parque de San Gines de la Jara, ready for the enjoyment of all ages (05/11/2012)
    The Mayor opened the area, located near Union City Round, in which games for all ages
  • Project Abraham reccoge about eight tons of clothes, shoes and toys for the first month (05/11/2012)
    The vecinosdepositan kilos in October 7775 in the 25 containers placed by the NGO and the city of Cartagena in a city, neighborhoods and councils
  • 118 posters aim to announce the Carnival 2013 (05/11/2012)
    The Casino Exhibition Hall on Main Street will host from November 6 to 16 jobs that choose to represent the next edition of the holidays
  • José Tomás Torea in Cartagena (03/11/2012)
    monographic exhibition of the photographer José Ramón Penedo
  • The painter Piedad Martinez Torres opened yesterday in the Cathedral the exhibition "Views of Shanghai" (03/11/2012)
    During the event, the artist presented the brand of their designs, "Pia La Torre", to be sold by internet
  • Water Court in Los Urrutias (02/11/2012)
    will take place on Wednesday morning because of maintenance work to be carried out Aquagest, also affecting Punta Brava, Starfish and The Carmolí
  • Work is continuing space conditioning and Las Lomas The Albujón (02/11/2012)
    In The Albujón sidewalks have been fixed and has spare trees, among other actions, and Las Lomas have made improvements in several places playground
  • The IMSS will teach a course guide path (02/11/2012)
    December 12 were tested for their content selection and are intended to pass the test of official guide of the Region of Murcia
  • The ADLE spent 80,000 euros to the Initial Professional Qualification Programmes (02/11/2012)
    The program, funded by the Ministry of Education, will begin on November 5
  • The ADLE opens on Monday the deadline for registration for the course of Middle English Public Attention (02/11/2012)
    Classes begin on November 19 and directed to unemployed
  • On Monday, the jury meets to Sport awards Cartagenero (02/11/2012)
    decide whether to grant awards to a dozen sports, clubs, associations and companies
  • Passes terror in Torres Park (02/11/2012)
    Dozens of people know the legends of Castillo de la Concepción during Halloween Night organized Cartagena Port of Cultures
  • November Cultural Aljorra 2012 (02/11/2012)
    Neighborhood Association organizes an extensive program of activities including theater, travel, conferences, sports, health conferences, exhibitions or concerts for five weekends

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