Portal de Cartagena


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Cartagena UPyD calls an adequate network of bike lanes (28/10/2009)

Note from UPyD:

The development of a comprehensive network of bike lanes in our city, is arguably one of the PP's electoral commitments that have been less developed, both in this as in the previous legislature.

Although some sections are enabled, the discontinuity of the same or "improvisation" to convert sections of sidewalk bike path by the simple fact of making the marking, motivate, in fact, that there is no appropriate circuit allowing mobility real and safe cycling in Cartagena.

The episode of the implementation of Bicity rental system and its disappearance by the negligence of the City Council, have pointed to shortcomings in the municipal management on the subject.

Some citizens who, appropriately, they insist on claiming the use of bicycles in the urban environment, used, sometimes pedestrian streets for cycling.

Although, sometimes a situation can occur where pedestrians look surprised by the appearance of bicycles in these areas, there were reports of abuses that have occurred relevant City Council has announced it is drafting a ordinance which will prohibit travel by bicycle pedestrian eses.

From Cartagena UPyD propose actions for sustainable mobility in our city as a major route of municipal activities, and not as something to do for political correctness, but as a means to contribute to the healthy habits of citizens and protection of environment.

Our future programs include municipal election this commitment to sustainability and the environment.

Therefore, from Cartagena UPyD call for the creation of a network of bike lanes as an alternative to banning traffic on the pedestrian streets.

An adequate network of cycle paths is certainly a useful performance, but nevertheless needed for its implementation more political than anything else, because there is no great technical complexity or excessive economic cost.

Source: UPyD de Cartagena

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