Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The City Council road safety improvements in La Puebla (26/10/2009)

Dependent Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Safety of the City of Cartagena, through the Neighborhood Council of La Puebla and in response to the demand of the inhabitants of this population of the county council of Mastic, has undertaken two actions to improve road safety in the area and avoid accidents.

On the one hand, to prevent the Roman Road, a mile straight through the village, is still used as a shortcut for drivers entering the road from Los Alcazares, the F-35, have taken action to prevent direct access to this street in both directions, in addition to horizontal and vertical signaling (give in the way, stops, highlights, pedestrian crossings), have enabled parking on both sides and there have been narrowing in some areas more problematic.

Another demand of the residents of La Puebla revolved around issues of access for kids age alcolegio Santa Maria del Buen Aire, on Calle Doctor Marañón, due to the narrowness of the sidewalks which were originated to walk the road with the consequent danger that entails.

The solution has launched the City Council has been to give a unique sense of entrance to the street and in the other direction, to a pedestrian lane that schoolchildren have access to school without risk of abuse.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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