Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


Municipal Theatre School assists in the Third Conference of Solidarity of Cartagena (19/10/2009)

Teatro Municipal School Francisco Rabal joins the Third Conference of Solidarity with the holding of a series of activities that take place on Saturday 24 October.

At 13.00 pm and in the pit of John XXIII, there will be reading the Solidarity manifesto this year, entitled 'Quotes for Hope', will be read by José Salguero, monitor the Municipal School of Theatre Cartagena, while two students made the same proposal of physical expression in order to visually complement its reading.

That same day at 19.00 hours, will take place in the same space, a play, 'The Gift of Rachel' by José Salguero and interpreted the same for students and youth group, in order to create a debate directly to the end of it, among the spectators who have attended such representation, moderated by Maria Angeles Pearl, owned by a NGO, s participants.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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