Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


More than 2,000 people visit the Roman Theatre at the bridge (14/10/2009)

El Museo del Teatro Romano, one of the main attractions of our city, has been targeted visitors who have chosen to Cartagena for the past long weekend, three days of festivities in which they have been there more than 2,000 people.

Obvious appeal to archaeological site must be added the cultural side, with the celebration Monday, Columbus Day, a concert by the Mass Coral Tomás Luis de Victoria, who offered a program of madrigals, folk songs and folk directed to perfection by Christopher Vogúmil.

This included the development at Exhibition Hall of the Museum, with its full capacity of the public who wanted to enjoy this event featuring the most international cartagenera coral, the first time I acted in this scenario.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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