Portal de Cartagena


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The ADLE produced a guide to new technologies aimed at employers (08/10/2009)

The Agency for Local Development and Employment has developed a Guide to Information Technology and Communication aimed at SMEs (small and medium enterprises), which through simple language and case studies identifies and describes the characteristics of each new technology in order that the town businessmen and know what they are and what they do.

The Agency is aware of the large number of companies that ignore the benefits that enable new technologies, some of this reality to develop a guide that includes various applications with case studies of Technologies of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), explaining what they are the same and the benefits of their use, especially in terms of profitability and new ways of organizing work more efficiently.

For this 1,000 guides have been published 100 pages in a format and language fun, illustrations and case studies, further reading and provides compression for the current and future entrepreneurs.

To this we must add a 9-minute video that allows graphical display of the experience that different businesses and entrepreneurs have found to use and apply the various technologies needed in each of its activities.

In short, the ADLE available to businessmen and entrepreneurs the 'Guidance on Information Technology and Communication addressed to the SMEs', which can be collected at the same facility, on the street Charity 1.

In short, the guide also can be downloaded from the website of the City, www.cartagena.es / ADLE .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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