Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


Intercepted a boat with eight migrants on board, after being detected by the SIVE (07/10/2009)

A small boat carrying eight in the illegal immigrants of Algerian origin was intercepted last night by a patrol of the Maritime Service of the Guardia Civil when it was heading toward the coast of Murcia.

The operation which led to the interception could be launched as a result of the Integrated External Surveillance (SIVE) detected on the 22 pm yesterday, the presence of about 13 miles off the coast of Cartagena a suspicious boat headed towards the coast.

He immediately went to a patrol area of the Maritime Service of the Guardia Civil, which at 23 hours intercepted the dinghy, in carrying eight people, all male and elderly.

The migrants were taken to the port of Cartagena, where they arrived at 3.40 and where, after being assisted by Red Cross staff (one of them was appreciated a sprained knee, he was treated at a Hospital) became available to the National Police, where they instruct the relevant files back to their country of origin.

The small boat is an inflatable boat used, about 4.5 meters long and equipped with an outboard motor of 35 hp.

Source: Delegación del Gobierno en Murcia

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