Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The new portal of Tourism doubles visits (06/10/2009)

Since its inauguration on 17 July to 30 September, the new portal Turismo.es Cartagena has received 47,487 visits a total of 165,154 page views compared to 23,202 visits and 83,528 page views last year in the same period.

For languages, the translated page in English is the most queries received with 1,378 visits, followed by Germany (733 visits) and French (471 visits).

The most requested by users who have visited the Portal has been referred to:

Where to Eat (9251 entries)

City Routes (8263 tickets)

The state of the beaches (8229 entries)

Festivals and Holidays (4933 entries)

Of developments that had the Portal, highlighting that it has received 7,533 visits Cartagena in season, 1,573 custom travel books, or the 352 informational alerts that have been activated by visitors to the web.

Moreover, since the three municipal tourist offices and through beacons to mobile bluetooth download, tourists have been 3,177 downloads on their mobile devices with the most relevant information of the city.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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