Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


Is an example of Portuguese caravel Calblanque (27/04/2009)

Personal Service Institute of the Coast of Cartagena on Sunday spotted a jellyfish of the species called Portuguese man who is characterized by a globe or candle protruding from the surface and its long tentánculos, armed with stinging capsules that can paralyze a large fish and seriously affect a human being.

The specimen appeared in the early hours of yesterday afternoon on the sandy beaches of Reeds, where after identifying it was removed to avoid contact with swimmers, and also appeared similar to the last few hours in San Pedro del Pinatar.

Although this is an isolated and rare, as this type of jellyfish live in the open sea in all warm waters of the planet, especially in tropical and subtropical Pacific and Indian oceans and in the South Pacific the case has been made known to the staff of the Institute of Coastal Municipal Services to take precautions, as they clean the beaches daily and could be another issue.

The fact has also been reported to the Oceanographic Institute of the Mar Menor, which have also been sent pictures.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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