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Social Services participates in a conference on volunteerism in the area of mental health (22/04/2009)

The councilman of Social Care, Antonio Calderon, inaugurated Tuesday the IX Conference on Training and Volunteering in the Area of Mental Health, organized by the tips of Cartagena and Shire, which takes place in the auditorium of the Classroom Culture CAM.

At the opening was accompanied by Francisco Morata Andreu, president of tips.

The conference began yesterday and will continue this afternoon, 18 to 20 hours and cover topics such as the Municipal Volunteer Program, run by the municipal technicians Carmelo López Jiménez and María José García Bernal, or the Law Enforcement Unit in people with mental illness, which made the Social Worker, Beatriz Espinosa Rives.

The conference will end with lectures on the update of schizophrenia, by Dr. Caridad Espinosa Delgado, and assertive community treatment, the psychologist and Diploma in Occupational Therapy, Pastor Ruth Campos.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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