Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The Web of processions around 440,000 pages served between Lent and Easter (14/04/2009)

The portal that permanently has the City of Cartagena to promote and provide information on the Easter processions was visited 125,831 users from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.

These users consulted some 440,000 pages of different sections that the web structure, relating to the history of the processions, confraternities, their associations, Easter links, videos, demonstrations, tips and where to eat and sleep in Cartagena.

The increased intensity of the hits were recorded between Dolores Friday that there were about 55,000 hits on the home page and nearly 150,000 visits to the different sections of the portal.

Among them the most demanded one more year were the schedules and routes and processions broadcasts via the Internet, followed this time by about 20,000 users, mostly national, but also recorded hits from countries like the United States (89 ), France (22), Colombia (20), Germany (14), United Kingdom (13), Netherlands (11) and Mexico (10).

The days when there was a greater monitoring of the parades through the network were on Good Friday, with some 1,800 hits, with 1,400 on Easter Tuesday and Easter Sunday with 1,200.

As you remember these broadcasts have been conducted five years ago by the City Council and the local cable television TELECARTAGENA by Streaming Video technology.

Processions which are broadcast live and are repeated continuously until the until the next broadcast.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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