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Spectacular piano final of the competition between strings and brass (21/04/2009)

The Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music in Cartagena received yesterday the start of the second finals of the competition between strings and brass with a unique piano concerto in which the six finalists surprised all and sundry that, despite their youth, have artistic values and an excellent command of the most successful techniques of the interpreter.

The youth showed with their performances, a single perfect work, that classical music is an art in rising every day more young love in the Region.

The jury will consider in its decision, in addition to the artistic qualities of the contestants, the way in which they are enrolled and the level attained so far.

The jury's final decision will be announced at the closing of this contest, which will be held on May 8 at the Auditorium of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, where they receive their awards.

In the closing ceremony shall also the distribution of diplomas to all participants who have reached the Final.

Similarly, they provide a certificate of participation established by the Department of Youth and Music Conservatory of Cartagena to those who request it.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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