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Artists Mucho Mas Mayo will enter the schools to present their work in the festival of students (13/04/2009)

The festival Mucho Mas Mayo Cartagena, to be held from 4 to 24 May, also wants to reach teen audiences, for that and for the first time, organized this year 'The festival of students', a commitment for the Youth Council by bringing in the ESO from Cartagena to the artists participating in Much More May.

In turn, guided tours will be 500 students for artistic works and facilities located in urban areas of the city.

The festival, in addition to art exhibitions, offers more than fifteen talks to high schools, and is the main objective of this conference is to involve and approach of schools where they are most young people.

Secondary schools in the city brings together more than 15,000 young people between 12 and 18.

Of all the institutes to join this initiative, we must stress the Bastarreche as hold a cultural week on film, linked the acts that the festival will host this year in the district of Santa Lucia.

Thus, the IES Bastarreche opens its doors to much more in May with the exhibition "The Cinema of our lives: the art of dreaming ', from Cartagena Alfonso Santos García.

The exhibition will be open from May 11 to May 22 from 9 to 20 hours, which will go through the history of cinema in Cartagena, from its beginnings in 1896 with the Garcia brothers, until the present.

Among the artists who take part in 'The festival of students' are Rosell Meseguer, Pablo Brotons, Salvi Vivancos, Tony Serrano, Florencia Martínez, Laura Prim, Fito Conesa, Julien Gar Gar, Laura Clemente, Fernando Epelde, Belén Orta and Mafu collective.

The talks will be held from April 28 to May 8.

List of participating artists:

Salvi Vivancos.

(Alicante, 1977) is a freelance photographer, dedicated mainly to the story in its various forms.

Author Documentary Photography

Documentary photography.

For Reel Photo

Tony Serrano.

Cartagena in 1978.

Phonogram producer and manager.

Management of the music industry today.

New technologies and music.

Free copyright licenses.

How to create a musical project sustainable.

Music of our land, quality music.

Laura Gonzalez Prim.

Project: The air that I take away

I survive on my feeling habitat puppet.

Rosell Meseguer.


Doctor of Fine Arts, he majored in photography, video and painting.

Ocular lens to the camera lens.

History and contemporary photographic processes

And appropriate self-images.

From the "shadow" ownership "drawing-in the management of copyright.

Files and documentation Methodological strategies for the development of an art project.

Florencia Martinez.

Physical education teacher, artist and teacher of circus.

Aerial dance and contemporary circus.

Fito Conesa.

(Cartagena, 1980).

Bachelor of Fine Arts, works with sound installations by combining various arts such as sculpture or picture.

To expanded cinema.

Brotóns Pablo Gomez.

(Cartagena, 1982).

Technical Architect, self-taught artist who works the image, sculpture and painting.

Rest area 'The armchair forgotten. "

Belén Orta Núñez.

Cartagena (1974).

Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Artists and cultural managers.

Of knowledge production.

Laura Clemente.

(Murcia, 1979).

Freelance creative, video art works.

Introduction to the concept and history of video art.

Antonio Rubio and Maria del Mar Sánchez Marín Palomares, members of the Collective Mafu: Artists and philosophers, educational and informative experience.

Contemporary Art: immersion in the proposals emerging art and artistic interventions.

Julian Gar Gar, works in position B, group project, developing different experiences, from a change of perspective to the photography.

The photograph slowly in the XXI century.

Fernando Epelde.

Art historian Complutese University of Madrid and musician.

'As part devoted to independent music and not die trying. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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