Portal de Cartagena


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Bright Raúl Sáez bullfighting at La Palma (05/04/2009)

Bullfighting can be large even in the space less impact on the planet.

On Saturday afternoon demonstrated the Cartagena novillero

Raúl Sáez , en la portátil instalada en La Palma, donde cortó tres orejas y un rabo a novillos de


Soto de la Fuente.

Regardless of the trophies won,

Raúl Sáez


made things much more.

For example, sets of receipt of your second pile, hands low, zero tension of elusive perfection even in dreams.

At the onset of labor as a crutch, I left a lot to reach an impressive statuary.

Then disassemble that suffered two broken the course of a fret marked by the personality, strength and security strange in someone who fights with some "continue.

Estoconazo fatally preceded by some very tight flat shoes.

His first was the black sheep of the closure.

Never tired

Raúl Sáez


to bet against the complications of his opponent, did not yield an inch of ground, not faltered in their quest for victory.

His tenacity was rewarded with an ear after a stress task.

The other sword of the poster, Alicante

Daniel Palencia , fue premiado generosamente con una oreja en cada novillo.

Mostró gran voluntad, pero dio la sensación de dejar escapar un magnífico lote.


La novillada estuvo muy bien presentada, en conjunto resultó bastante entretenida, pero ante la nula planificación comercial con que contó el festejo, sólo se dieron cita las trescientas personas que milagrosamente se enteraron del día y hora en que el mismo se celebraba.

The bullfight was very well presented, overall it was quite entertaining, but in the business planning void that was the party, met only three hundred people who miraculously found out the day and time it was celebrated.



LA PALMA (Murcia)

Sábado 4 de abril.

Novillada con picadores.

Plaza portátil.


Entrada: Un cuarto de aforo.

Clima: Tarde soleada y con brisa permanente.


Ganado: 4 UTREROS de


Soto de la Fuente

cuajados, bien hechos, nobles y blandos; el primero fue muy complicado.




RAUL SAEZ (añil y oro): Oreja y dos orejas y rabo.


DANIEL PALENCIA (nazareno y oro): Oreja y oreja.








salieron a hombros.

Source: Manolo Guillén

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