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The Language Exchange won first prize in the European Label for its innovative teaching and learning of languages (23/09/2008)

Language Exchange Program (Bi) managed from the Youth Space in the Youth Council of the City of Cartagena has won first prize in the 'European Label for innovative initiatives in teaching and learning of languages 2008 ", awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science, and endowed with a trophy, diploma and 6,000 euros European Label, which will finance more dynamic activities program.

The award will be received by the councilman of Youth, Javier Herrero Padrón, in an official ceremony on 26 September, coinciding with the European Day of Languages.

The awards ceremony 2008 will take place at the headquarters of the European Parliament Office in Spain, in Madrid.

The Bi began in March 2007 with the creation of a database made up of people of various nationalities interested in practicing the language they are learning and teaching the language they know.

From Area Youth Space Mobility information is coordinated and managed through e-mail the formation of different linguistic exchanges, and participation is encouraged with various activities-linguistic programming.

The Bi involved in its operation to different entities, both educational and social, cultural, etc, such as: service Languages UPCT, Alliance Française, the Official School of Languages, public libraries, the School of Tourism, University People and cafes that offer their spaces for activities.

In the last assessment made in late June, the total of participants amounted to 195 Bi and practiced languages besides Spanish are: English, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Chinese and Bulgarian.

101 allocations have been made linguistic exchanges carried out in pairs or small groups.

Now and the start of the school year is under way to contact all registered participants to know their intentions to continue participating in the program, mainly because the native people (Erasmus students, for example) remain for a certain period in the city.

This will proceed to update the data to carry out on assignments with the new additions to the program.

Another is preparing the programming of activities to promote the participation of program users, among which we highlight the implementation of a Reading Club (which had a pilot edition very positive last year) with the formation of reading groups in different languages, international karaoke, movie marathons performing in different languages, visits to the Teatro Romano in different languages, among others.

To carry out all activities with the collaboration of the collaborating institutions listed above.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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