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Expand Youth Card benefits (22/09/2008)

The director of the Institute of Youth in the Region of Murcia, Veronica Lopez, and the president of Local Youth Council, Manuel Soler, today signed an agreement to start in our city's new youth card with more benefits and extending the age of the recipients, so that the age limit from 26 to 30 years.

In the age group between 14 and 30, which is covered by the new youth card, there are currently more than 50,000 young Cartagena, as noted in councilman of Youth, Javier Herrero, who has applauded the importance of this campaign which also involves a multitude of shops in the city who wanted to join the initiative, applying discounts to beneficiaries of the new card that between 10 and 25%, each trade that set the percentage you want.

According to the chairman of the Youth Council of Cartagena, the latest addition to extend the age to 30 years is that it is a card that is valid in any country of the European Union, and also has become a new tool in the hands of young people to combat the economic crisis.

Manuel Soler, the youth sector is one of the weakest links in society, it is necessary to facilitate access to resources, especially cultural.

In this sense, there will be discounts on cinema, education, languages, museums, etc., But also eye clinics, mobile phones, clothing stores, and other activities increasingly in demand by youth.

The new youth card can be obtained at any office CajaMurcia, organization that works with this initiative, can have two different types, the classic card and finance.

The latter is also a credit card.

In both cases, getting the license costs 6 euros.

This regional campaign of awareness of the new Youth Card has been developed already in Molina de Segura Lorca and with great success.

The average cards in the region is about 6,000 per year.

Since 2006 and 20,000 are young people who have joined the Youth Card in the region.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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