Portal de Cartagena


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Info check out The director works to expand the Repsol refinery in the Valley of Escombreras (22/09/2008)

The director of the Institute of Development (info), Severiano Arias, this morning visited the facilities of the company Repsol, which is in the Valley of tailings in Cartagena and subsequently maintained a working meeting with the director of the refinery, Francisco Vázquez, with order to know the status of the proposed expansion of the company.

Severiano Arias thanked the directors of Repsol YPF its confidence in the prospects of the region highlighted in the increased investment in this company in the Valley of tailings in more than 50 percent, reaching 3,262 million euros.

With this investment the company plans to double its capacity for distillation tailings, which will produce 11 million tonnes per year, about 220,000 barrels a day, which will be placed on the levels of Cepsa in Algeciras or Petronor in Bilbao.

The Cartagena project is part of Repsol to adapt its facilities to produce clean transportation fuels, encouraging the use of biofuels and energy efficiency, safety and environmental impact.

Info director of this great investment meant that after the expansion work of the plant, which will last about three years, will create about 300 direct jobs, which will join the current staff of 550 people, "look increasing growth expectations of the business of this region, "said Arias.

Advisory service for bidding on large investments

During the meeting, Severiano Arias announced the launch in the coming weeks, the Advisory Service for tendering and procurement of major investments of the Institute of Development, whose aim is to enable regional SMEs to participate in bidding for major infrastructure to be carried out in the region through outsourcing and, moreover, to meet the demands of large corporate investors and be a direct channel of communication with the regional administration.

In this sense, the director of the info said "we are launching a series of mechanisms that help boost the regional economy at the moment, giving employers access to such large infrastructure projects.

We must bear in mind that the region has a highly diverse business community can offer its service and expertise in such projects. "

The info has asked the Government Delegation in Murcia date information on major infrastructure projects that the Government of Spain is planning to develop in the near future in our region so that entrepreneurs can learn about the implementation of these works and to participate in those projects.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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