Portal de Cartagena


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Cartagena, without cars (19/09/2008)

Cartagena held tomorrow Saturday, September 20 'The city without my car', an initiative included in the European Mobility Week, which this year will stage the Alameda de San Antón.

Throughout Saturday morning (between 9.00 and 14.00 hours), is closed to traffic three lanes of entry in Cartagena (from the intersection of Trafalgar Street to Plaza of Spain) to host a full program activities in the local police who helped the Municipal Sports, the Department of Culture, Youth Council, the Department of Sustainable Development and the Department of Tourism, along with several local and regional businesses.

The council delegates of these councils (Infrastructure, Local Police, Sports, Culture, Youth and Environment) will go to the Alameda de San Antón around 11 hours of the morning to see first hand the activities being carried out this celebration.

Moreover, citizens who come to the Alameda de San Antón throughout the morning you can enjoy a full program of sports and a large exhibition of electric vehicles and green (cars, motorcycles, buses ...) ceded by seven companies and will be available to visitors so they can try.

The organization estimates that about 600 people will participate in activities that are scheduled for Saturday.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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