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Expose the lists for the drawing of the judging panel (08/09/2008)

The Bureau of Statistics, following the instructions of the National Statistics Institute (INE), exposed to the public from 10 to 18 September, the voter registration lists that contain those drawn on which candidate members of the Court of Jury 2009-2010.

The purpose of this exhibition is for citizens who wish to know in advance the number to be assigned towards the draw to be held at the provincial level, on 19 September.

The consultations were conducted in person at the offices of Statistics, on the ground floor of the Administration Building, Monday through Friday, from 9 to 13.

As the Court reminded the jury is an institution of the Administration of Justice to introduce public participation in the prosecution of certain crimes.

The Court Jury is composed of 9 jurors, 2 alternates and a Judge President, as the charge paid.

For its part, the performance of jury duty is an unavoidable public duty and personal (can not be avoided, for example with certain exceptions, for work reasons).

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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