Portal de Cartagena


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The T-LA travels to Valencia to learn the secrets of the superheroes (03/09/2008)

The T-LA Summer has organized for Sunday September 14 visit to the Science City of Valencia to visit, among other facilities, the exhibition 'Marvel Super Heroes', which offers visitors a tour around various aspects of science and technology related to the world of comics and the Marvel universe.

Under the motto 'Live comics, live science', the exhibition has an approximate area of 2,000 square meters on the first floor of the Museum and a total of 29 interactive modules, as well as various workshops.

Questions such as whether there is any scientific basis to transform the Incredible Hulk, the exhibition shows us what areas of the brain are responsible for generating emotions such as anger or deal with the hand of the Human Torch in what the thermoregulation and infrared.

In addition, visitors can contemplate his image by an infrared camera.

The start will take place on Sunday September 14 at 7 am from the Youth Resource Centre.

The registration fee is 25 euros and includes a visit to the exhibition, Science Museum, Oceanographic and Hemisferic, with the screening of the film 'The Mystery of the Nile.

For more information and registration at the Youth Resource Center, Paseo Alfonso XIII, n º 51 and 968 phone 128 867, during office hours from 9 to 14 hours.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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