Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


A court order requires the phone company to repay the bills 906 (01/09/2008)

The Department of Consumer Affairs of the City of Cartagena Cartagena informs consumers who may have old bills related to the 906 (usually called erotic, horoscopes, occult, contests, chats, among other matters), who can claim the amounts to telephone companies .

As stated by the Supreme Court ruling in the proceedings brought by the OCU Consumers Association in the lawsuit he had with Telefónica and Uni2 (now France Telecom) since November 2001, these services should be offered through 906 (open access) but by the 903 (restricted to those who request it.)

Therefore, affected consumers should be directed in writing (registered letter with return receipt requested) to the address of the company for telephone, claiming those amounts and enclosing a photocopy of the invoices.

If after thirty days had not been resolved, should be addressed to the Municipal Office of Consumer Information Cartagena, located in the Administration Building of City Hall (4 th floor yellow), on the street Sor Francisca Armendariz No. 6 or any of its delegations, located in La Manga (La Manga Consortium, Bldg Hawaii VI Bass) and Dolores (Calle Alfonso XIII n º 101 de los Dolores), in schedule 10 to 13 hours.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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