Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


An Israeli business model could be an example of entrepreneurship (30/06/2015)

Jose Lopez, mayor of Cartagena, received this morning the multinational business group Excem and Puerto de Sefarad at the Palace Hall.

For over an hour he heard their proposals regarding the operating system they propose undertaking.

In this first contact, the mayor explained that, according to its submission, the operating system of Israel is successful venture.

In addition, the mayor stressed that we are working on the possibility, through this Israeli group, fleshing power, which previously lacked, the university district C-Drive.

Attract business and investment to Cartagena to launch this stop and obsolete machinery.

In this first contact also discussed issues such as Puerto de Sefarad, which is another initiative that bring so that 10% of Israeli cruisers who come to Cartagena can be implemented and may have in the city the services of certain tourist spots they claim.

Still, according to the mayor of Cartagena, this is subject to a subsequent touchdown, which will include some signing we will do UPCT to contribute their knowledge and a new team that know what they carry in hand and they are able to launch the university quarter and C-Drive.

Isaac Chocron, a member of the multinational business group Excem explained that the Israeli economy model shows that we can solve problems such as unemployment.

Also, here there instrument and background to do so, simply coordinated.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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