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The school celebrates this afternoon Narval their graduation ceremony in El Batel (19/06/2015)

Narval cooperative education held this afternoon, from 20.00, the graduation ceremony of the XVI promotion (course 2011-2015) of students in 4th of ESO, in the Auditorium 'El Batel' in Cartagena.

The event will be attended by President of the Union of Cooperative Education (UCOERM), Juan Antonio Pedroza.

During the gala, students will be distinguished with the best academic records of each level (1st, 2nd and 3rd ESO).

Each will receive an aid of books for the next school year.

Likewise the College Narval prize will be awarded to the student with the best academic record in every stage of Secondary Education, granting Honorary Fellowship from the center and giving aid books for high school.

The event will close with a performance by Narval Polyphonic Choir, under the direction of Miguel Angel Solis, director of the Elementary Music School Narval.

The Narval (Genoa Avenue s / n, Cartagena) is a cooperative school education opened in September 1997. It currently has four concerted action at all levels lines.

It also has an open classroom, Elementary Music School, authorized to offer private lessons School and authorization for the provision of training cycles and Higher private capacity.

Also part of the network of bilingual schools and belongs to Cambridge Inglés for Schools program.

UCOERM has more than 70 member cooperatives, of which 53 belong to the private educational, representing half of the total in the region.

The rest are private nursery schools of 0-3 years.

About 35,000 students are enrolled this year.

In addition, it is a sector that creates jobs, with more than 3,000 professionals including teachers and support staff, representing a rate of permanent employment above 90% and participation of women to over 70% of the total.

Source: Agencias

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