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The Municipal School of Theatre launches Senior Year Sample (16/06/2015)

The Municipal School of Theatre in Cartagena dismissed during the XVIII Clausura, which includes a series of plays that will take place over several days. It will be from Tuesday, June 23 when the performances take place in the Ramón Alonso Luzzy Cultural Center with free entry to fill seats.

On Tuesday June 23 the curtain opens at 19.45, the comedy The latest craze in Rome, written and directed by Professor Alfredo Ávila.

On Wednesday June 24th will be the turn of the smallest.

From 18 am, children 4 to 6 years will stage the play a happy story, written and directed by Professor Raquel Torres.

Later will be children of 7-10 years to put on stage a theatrical Poems.

Later, at 20 pm, the youth group will stage pre If Shakespeare raise his head, written and directed by Professor Raquel Torres.

It will be on Saturday 27, from 21 am, when dinner prom where students, teachers and friends of the Municipal School of Theatre in Cartagena will say goodbye until next course takes place.

Another year, the Municipal School has achieved great results.

About 150 students have passed this course classrooms, and several interesting projects and hope for next year 2015-2016.


Before saying goodbye until next year, it will be in June when it begins the III Summer School of Theatre in Cartagena, organized by the Municipal School of Theatre.

Throughout the morning of July, children will enjoy a Summer School of Theatre.

Seats for the first two weeks are already sold out, although some free space for the second half remains.


For professionals and people with theater experience, it has organized a course on Physical Theatre on 13 and 14 July in Cartagena, and will be in charge of the theater pedagogue Concha Esteve.

The 27th, 28th and July 29th, Ramón Fontseré, director of the legendary Catalan company The Joglars will visit Cartagena and taught a course on the actor and the character.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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