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MC meets for the third time with the PSOE (10/06/2015)

As we announced this afternoon we met for the third time since the elections on May 24 with the Socialist Party in order to meet the governance options in the city and to form government

At the beginning of the meeting the representatives of the PSOE raised for the first time in these contacts, which for the PSOE and Ana Belen Castejon no other option than to take their proper position of Mayor, without going into more depth alia, for the simple reason that they are the second most voted.

As we know the primary objective of MC is to get a policy led to Cartagena with honesty and accountability, so that the City Council serve citizens and to expel it to all who use it.

In the last four years, from a difficult situation in opposition, with one councilor of the 27 that make up the House, MC has made the PP lost nine councilors, knowing Cartagena excesses and corruption of local government;

judicial investigations beset the PP and former members of the local PSOE;

concessionaires have been forced to return even before MC have access to complete documentation, more than 13 million euros to the municipality;

Getting this work to erase the municipality Pilar Barreiro, bringing it to give up its act of councilman, all the result of political and social leadership of Jose Lopez.

That's why our support has increased fivefold, and have obtained results that make people consider us winners of these elections, and sue us continue this work.

In this line, from the first contact, to the silence in opposition for 20 years of the local PSOE, and in some cases collusion with the PP that has led to members of his party to make a profit on operations like "Novo Carthago" "New Gate", "Punica operation", MC has put on the table that would not and could reach pacts "with corrupt or persons representing the past" because it is neither in principle nor their voters understand the situation, pointing namely several people of the nomination and the PSOE organizational keep alive the past.

The PSOE has not moved tab in that sense, apologizing in internal problems and balances of forces outside MC and Cartagena, making it impossible for us to ask the mayor resign and comprehensive control of the local administration.

In this situation, accepting the responsibility that our voters have placed in us, we offered and offer the PSOE, hoping that the intentions of Ana Belen Castejon are true, that while completing her work of internal regeneration, which finds it impossible to complete at this time, local government integrates with us.

The PSOE has declined, in principle, part of a government-led regeneration force that has followed this path in the town, which is none other than MC, as recognized by the voters giving 10,000 votes more to this training, compared to 500 increase in PSOE voters.

MC, aware that cleanliness is a priority institutions, consider that Jose Lopez is who should lead change and take the Mayor and provides the PSOE government in which each party occupies four areas, eight to be established, although the most sensitive in terms of corruption that must be settled, the MC occupy, and the rest of the PSOE, so that both contribute to this commitment to institutional regeneration, and allow the PSOE culminate internal hers, assuming its Cartagena responsibility and voters would not understand that does not support the work of MC began four years ago against the government that this city has endured the past 24 years.

In MC we not rule out the PSOE reconsider its position, relying on regeneration and not by the chair, it sinks to the work led by Jose Lopez that will undoubtedly be more agile from the local government, and allow Cartagena start a project serious, strong and unfettered, free from the past and present of local corruption, willing to fight against it.

And the facts show that the only training that can lead those efforts in Cartagena is MC, who has not participated before the local government, and has led the opposition that has allowed us to this stage.

Source: Movimiento Ciudadano

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