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The PP asks for light on the covenants of the parties that lost the elections (09/06/2015)

Francisco Espejo has asked the government negotiating formations in Cartagena fulfill their promise to make public the content of its covenants.

Mirror believes that "the parties that lost the elections are reaching agreements Cartagena behind to clinch a government that Cartagena has not given them."

The spokesman said that "losing parties have not yet formed a government and have already breached its first promise because they are hiding Cartagena content of negotiations in which the municipal share power and decide key issues to Cartagena."

Press releases in which merely insist that their aim is to prevent governing Popular Party "is a contempt for the citizens, first, because having that goal is as much as proposed prevent governs the list with more support Cartagena and, secondly, because no one believes that was not spoken of government targets and allocation of charges. "

Espejo recalled that the Cartagena Popular Party won the elections in the city and made it twice as public support that the second party.

"Our program has been the most votes by far, losing parties have different programs with lower backs. Out of respect for all, explain to them why they decide on issues central to Cartagena on the Mediterranean corridor, if they are to raise or lower taxes, to whom, if you will give up the AVE project or whether it will require the province. "

The spokesman believes that the exclusion of PP of negotiations to form a government is an undemocratic attitude should be explained to citizens "must be explained as alliances of some parties to seize power seem capable of supporting their formations own voters would never support ".

Source: PP Cartagena

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