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Vista Alegre celebrates its 34th Cultural Week (04/06/2015)

Organized by the Cultural Group Visal of Vista Alegre, 13 to June 20 will be held in the neighborhood of Cartagena cultural week, which this year celebrates its thirty-fourth year, and which will have a special role music and theater.

It collaborating various councils of the City of Cartagena, in Cajamar, the women's association, school Carthago, the Christian community, the neighborhood association, club Aging and the Neighborhood Council of Alum.

The activities, all free, will start on Saturday June 13 with a parade, the opening of the exhibition Vista Alegre in Black and White and the concert of the musical group Our Lady of Solitude Marfagones Mills.

On Sunday 14 will start the day with hot chocolate and churros and various sporting activities that will lead to a Moraga and barbecue at noon with performances by folk groups from the region and the presentation of the Cartagena singer Carlota gatha.

In the afternoon there will be a Children's parade by celtícues Pipers Group, accompanied by the Royal and Illustrious troupe of Vista Alegre, with distribution of gifts and goodies and Variety Festival with groups from the neighborhood at night.

On Monday 15, Luis Miguel Perez Adam, from the Lucerne Cultural Association, will deliver the conference ¿Cartagena and Nodo¿

Tuesday's session will be devoted to 16 Aging with a Gala Trovera by LA Trovera José María Marín¿ association and a recital of singer Ramon Valero Torres

Wednesday 17 enter the theater scene, with representation of comedy: The boyfriend of my daughter, by Zero Theatre Company.

On Thursday 18 it will be the turn of the company Aurora Redondo Theatre with the work: Dandy, his whores and gentlemen of Alcorcón

On Friday 19 there will be the Gala Flamenca remembering the musician Lazarus Issaqui and Saturday June 20 will lay the cultural week with the premiere of the latest musical revue Lina Morgan ¿Ceferina want casar¿ by the company seven comedians



20:00: Parade with the Band of bugles and drums by barriada20.30 h: Inauguration of the photographic exhibition: Vista Alegre and White Negro22.30 h: Concert by the Musical grouping Our Lady of Solitude Marfagones Mills.


9.00: Hot chocolate and churros at the Plaza Reyes Católicos10.00 h: End of caliche and boules championship organized by the club seniors of barriada10.30 h: Sports Activities sala11.00 football pitch h: Moraga and barbecue in the Plaza Catholic Monarchs.

During that period, performance of folk groups from the region and the presentation of the Cartagena singer Carlota gatha.

18.00: Children's Parade by the Group of celtícues Pipers, accompanied by the Royal and Illustrious troupe of Vista Alegre, with gift-giving and golosinas22.00 h: Variety Festival with neighborhood groups


22.00 h: Conference ¿Cartagena and Nodo¿ by Luis Miguel Perez Adam, from the Lucerne Cultural Association.


DAY DEDICATED TO THE THIRD EDAD22.00 h: Gala Trovera by LA Trovera José María Marín¿ association.

Recital of singer Ramon Valero Torres


22.00: Theatre.

Zero Theatre Company presents the comedy: my daughter's boyfriend

THURSDAY, 18 JUNIO22.00 h: Theater.

Aurora Theatre Company staged Redondo Workplace: pimp, your hookers and gentlemen of Alcorcón

Friday 19 JUNIO22.00 h: Gala Flamenca remembering the musician Lazarus IssaquiAl sing: The Potro¿ Salvador Salas, Antonio Ayala does Rampa¿;

and Jesus of the PiIlí.A guitar: Rosendo Fernández.


22.00: bachelor's cultural week with the premiere of the latest musical revue Lina Morgan ¿Ceferina want casar¿ by the company seven comedians

the programming of this 34th edition of the cultural week will dedicated to our friend and collaborator: Paco Abellan Caravaca

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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