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The PP considers false and malicious complaint against Pte From Neighborhood Board Albujón (26/09/2013)

The Popular Party considers totally false allegations against the president of the neighborhood Angel Nieto with malicious intentions who have been ascribed irregularities in the allocation of work to the citizens to be met with hard punishment for society.

After gathering all relevant information and talk to those involved in this matter, the municipal government estimated that "all data show that Angel Nieto has not personally profited from the work of these citizens."

Decentralization Councilman, Nicholas Angel Bernal sees the lies propagated a smear campaign political and personal to a resident of Las Lomas and municipal representative whose effort is to work for an improvement in the villages assigned to the territory of the neighborhood, as have recognized the neighbors.

Municipal government and the People's Party supports the management of Ángel Nieto who will remain in his position as president of the Neighborhood Council of the Albujón and urges those who have doubts to resort to other ways where they demonstrate the falsity of the allegations.

Source: PP Cartagena

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