Portal de Cartagena


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Sport and solidarity come together to dress the Holidays (19/09/2013)

The XXII edition of the Journey to swim by the Port and the First Battle Zumba Solidarity during the morning and afternoon of Saturday, will implement the project including various groups in the city in Carthaginians and Romans

The proclamation on Friday will kick off the Festival of Carthaginians and Romans, but will be Saturday 21, all day, when they begin the big events in the city, one traditional and which fulfills its 22nd edition, Swim across to the port, which will take place in the morning, and another novel, R Solidarity Zumba Battle to be held in the afternoon by the Cartagonova Stadium.

It is a way of grouping disciplines, in this case sports, and include various groups in the city to get involved in the festivities, giving also a tinge of solidarity.

That is the conclusion I have arrived this morning at the launch of the two activities, which have been present Councilwoman Celebration, Florentina Garcia, the Councillor for Sports, Diego Ortega, the president of the Federation of swimming Region of Murcia, Francisco Dominguez, the head of the Foundation SOI (Inclusive Leisure Services), Joaquin Barbera, and the president of the Federation troops and legions, Javier Ibernon.

The XXII Crossing the harbor, Trophy Carthaginians and Romans, start at 10.15 hours in the categories prebenjamín, baby and juvenile, and 11.30 hours for the other categories.

As noted Dominguez, is also a scoring event for the Open Water Circuit of the Region of Murcia, and presents new participation and commitment of swimming clubs in the city.

The journey of 1600 meters, begins and ends at the Yacht Club.

There will be trophies for the top three finishers in each category and registration cost 5 euros.

As for the I Battle Zumba Solidarity, the Foundation organizes SOI, and ASID ASTUS driven Cartagena, aiming to raise funds for people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy their leisure.

In this regard, Joaquín Barberá emphasized that the idea is to find activities that can make both the disabled as they are not, as in the case of Zumba, and is very successful as there are 170 enrolled and we expect to exceed 300.

The First Battle for Development will be held next to the Stadium Cartagonova, from 17.30 to 19.30 hours, and will include fitness instructors renowned Zumba.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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