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20,000 euros to UPCT for further research into prevention and safety (06/09/2013)

The Governing Council has approved a grant of 20,000 euros to the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) for the realization of two research projects that will allow the launch of two devices specifically designed to prevent and avoid accidents and tractor rollover handling engine operated machines.

Specifically, research is being carried out on an automatic 'rollover' for farm tractors and other auto stop, in this case for non-held machines with motor, which will jointly develop the Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment and educational institution.

The development of both projects started last year, is executed in phases.

The first analyzed the necessary technology and in this second phase the prototypes will be designed so they can be used in the greatest number of teams.

The final phase of testing is to test the usefulness thereof.

The automatic 'rollover' agricultural tractor is the design and manufacture of a folding ROPS and retractable automatically be triggered when the tractor experience a certain pitch, with the aim of protecting the worker in case of rollover.

As for the automatic shutdown for non-held machines with motor, such as lathes, drilling and milling machines, and also conventional woodworking machines woodworking, such as saws, lathes or planers, the goal is to develop a system capable detect the presence of any tip operator working with these machines and stops immediately before the accident occurs.

Source: CARM

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