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The deans' judges, like MC, announce the "chaotic" situation that will lead to the establishment of the provincial court for mortgage problems (31/05/2017)

Yesterday it was announced that the fifty deans judges of the main Spanish cities have denounced the "chaotic" situation that will cause the imminent implementation of the provincial courts for abusive clauses, since "they will be distributed to the Same hundreds of demands of the whole province but they will not be able to process them for lack of means ".

In the specific case of CARM, this measure supposes, as MC denounced in April, that people who find themselves with problems of unfair terms in their mortgage or who face an eviction in the municipality of Cartagena and in the rest Of its judicial party and the one of San Javier have to move, from this summer, to the municipality of Murcia.

In this way, it is evident that people affected by the abusiveness of the banks in Cartagena will become second-class citizens, having to carry out all their paperwork in Murcia with the consequent economic damage caused.

On May 10, Mayor Jose López (MC), together with the dean of the Cartagena Bar Association, José Muelas, and the dean of the Cartagena Attorney's College, Milagrosa González, publicly rejected the creation of the Uniprovincial court in the Region that jeopardizes equal access to legal aid.

The president and spokesman of MC, Jesús Giménez, has noted that the position of the deans judges ratifies that "the government and the judiciary impose a measure that only benefits the bank and goes against any rational criteria or attention to justiciable."

The provincial courts will generate "delays, which will be added to those already habitual in a second administration of justice, to which the politicians deny the means and the representatives of the judicial power help them with measures like this one".

In this context, said the spokesman of the Cartagena formation, "in Cartagena and the whole region we find, once again, the administrative reality of this Autonomous Community. A province too large that will be even worse than the average The biprovincialidad that we claim from MC would help to alleviate this situation unjust for the population of our Region, to which they steal the court of its judicial party that by law corresponds to it, that would have its Court In Cartagena, next to the section of the Provincial Court that resolves its procedures. "

Therefore, Giménez has assured that "from MC, once again, we mobilize against an injustice that is based on the provincial system, the same that serves as electoral constituency or to distribute the budget on the part of the State. Because of a sickly centrality, accentuated and much in our region, which leads us to lead the lists of mismanagement, lack of water and infrastructure or lack of national investment, while we turn our backs on a fair and solidary claim. "

Finally, Jesús Giménez stated that "in MC we were the first to denounce the maneuver of the provincial courts, followed by professional colleges, affected by mortgage and political parties. Justice supporting those affected by this measure, and we encourage all these groups and society to open their eyes, to work and fight injustice and to make a larger Autonomous Community and less subject to the centralist and centralist whims. Without a province, we do not have any courts to claim the banks. "

Source: MC

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