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The petition presented by MC allows the Social Participation Committee of the Mar Menor to be participated by local and business representatives of the Region of Cartagena (30/05/2017)

Yesterday we were aware of the resolution issued by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment, which appointed the new members of the Mar Menor Social Participation Committee.

Among these members of recent entry falls to cite two entities on which MC warned about their initial non-inclusion.

And is that neither the Association of Entrepreneurs of Hospitality and Tourism Accommodations of Cartagena and Comarca (HOSTECAR), nor the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena, or the Federation of Associations of Neighbors of Cartagena and Comarca (FAVCAC), had room in the first order Dictated by the Ministry.

This led MC to file a petition for reconsideration against article 3 of the Order of February 28, 2017 of the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment, which created the Committee on Social Participation of the Mar Menor.

The Cartagena formation showed their disbelief at the attempt to deny participation to those organizations that are directly affected by the current state of the Mar Menor.

Through this resource, MC urged that the composition of the Mar Menor Social Participation Committee be expanded and completed with representatives of HOSTECAR, FAVCAC and any other associations and / or platforms that defend social interests on the Mar Menor, Something that has finally been assumed.

Competences of the Mar Menor Social Participation Committee

It should be remembered that among the powers of this body of participation are the taking of knowledge about the ecological status of the Mar Menor and its evolution;

As well as the evaluation of the various actions necessary for the progressive improvement of it, contributing, integrating and expressing the social, economic and neighborhood interests, to facilitate that a global perspective in the formulation of solutions is taken into account.

It will also ensure compliance with the Integral Management Plan for the protected areas of the Mar Menor and the norms and plans approved in this area, as well as the policies applied in the Mar Menor environment.

MC Satisfaction

MC welcomes the fact that, in view of the above, the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Environment has remedied this incomprehensible exclusion, opening the door for participation to the citizens and organizations of the Region of Cartagena, who are the main disadvantaged and Forced to suffer the consequences of decades of neglect and accommodation that have led to the shameful situation that undergoes the Mar Menor.

For this reason, MC wants to express its satisfaction before a fact that is inscribed in the simplest logic.

That in the defense of the Mar Menor are present agents involved in the recovery of the natural heritage should be obvious.

Constitution Mar Menor Social Participation Committee

The Social Participation Committee of Mar Menor will be constituted next Friday June 2, after the meeting to be held in the press room of the City of Los Alcázares (10:00 hours).

The agenda includes, among other things, the reading of the report of the Scientific Advisory Committee on the ecological status of the Mar Menor.

Source: MC

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