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The veterinary analyzes conclude that the cats collected in the Windlass are not identified, neither vaccinated nor dewormed. The study determines the non-compliance of `Four Cats' in the control of the colonies of cats of the municipality (29/05/2017)

The Department of Quality of Life has released the results of the veterinary examination carried out on the six cats collected on public roads a few weeks ago, belonging to the feline colony of Cerro del Molinete.

The analysis of the animals has concluded that six domestic cats (3 males and 3 females), all of them adults, are not identified.

Of wild character, none of the six individuals is vaccinated against rabies.

Similarly, the review has revealed that none of the six specimens is vaccinated against other diseases such as leukemia;


Herpesvirus or calicivirus, the most common among felines.

In addition, the six cats were infested by fleas, in addition to being parasitized by intestinal nematodes (worms).

In the field of fertility, the male specimens are sterilized, while one of the females is in a state of gestation.


These data show that the animals do not meet minimum sanitary conditions and could become a source of infection spread to other animals or bystanders.

Therefore, the collection of these copies, made to satisfy a request for information issued by the Directorate General of Public Health of CARM, has verified the fulfillment of the responsibility acquired by the area of ​​Quality of Life directed by Francisco Calderón in his Obligations to ensure public health in the municipality.

And, as the councilor Francisco Calderón said, from the Government of Cartagena "we reconcile, as it is our obligation, the need to ensure public health with work in the defense of animal welfare.

Both lines of action go in parallel. "

The mayor has announced that the results of the veterinary study will be transferred to the Animal Welfare Bureau, "for the knowledge of all and to continue advancing, jointly, coordinated and solidarity, in the objectives that unite us.

Our obligation is to make them compatible. "


The cats analyzed belong to one of the colonies on which the association 'Four Cats' acquired a commitment of responsibility, systematically breached.

The agreement that the aforementioned entity agreed with the then mayor of Health, Nicolás Ángel Bernal, dated December 13, 2012, established that the Consistory of Cartagena commits itself not to collect from the public road cats belonging to controlled colonies, with a series of Conditions that the association had to fulfill.

Among them, 'Four Cats' promised that 'the colonies are properly reduced and sanitarily controlled'.

They accepted that "cats should be dewormed, taking the necessary measures to prevent viral diseases and other similar pathologies."

In addition, "the effective sterilization of cats should be carried out and identified visibly so that they are identifiable by the municipal animal collection services".

This agreement included the control of five colonies of cats, properly located and specified, such as that of Cerro del Molinete.


In the light of this context, and in relation to the data obtained after the aforementioned veterinary examination, an undoubted breach of the agreement is deduced, since only in the case of the sterilization of the three male specimens is a response to the 2012 agreement. Thus, cats are not registered, identified, vaccinated, or dewormed.

The non-fulfillment is aggravated, at the time, by not observing the execution of the required programs of cleaning, disinfection of the colonies, food, and road safety and citizen.


Beyond this agreement between the previous government team and the association 'Cuatro Gatos', there is a normative framework that regulates the tolerance of animals on public roads, a context in which the Cartagena City Council integrates in a clear way.

Thus, on June 25, 2013, the CARM issued an Order for the control and eradication of rabies in animals and the prevention of risks to public health.

Its objective is to establish mandatory annual vaccination of rabies in domestic animals of human habitat, in particular canine, feline and mustélidas species (ferrets) located in the Region.

To the regional regulations must be added the municipal legal report of November 27, 2014 that establishes the prohibition of the circulation of domestic animals of the canine, feline and mustélida species of not being credited that their owners or possessors have the corresponding sanitary documentation Of compliance with said order.

Otherwise, the animals must be considered abandoned and the City must proceed with their removal.

Subsequently, the issue is regulated in the same terms by the Order of June 24, 2015, jointly by the Ministries of Agriculture, Water and Sanitation and Social Policy, for the control and eradication of rabies in animals and the prevention of Risks to public health.


In 2015, under the auspices of this regulatory framework and the report on measures of control of cat colonies prepared by the Municipal Laboratory, 'Cuatro Gatos' received communication from the City Council to carry out the sanitary control on the colonies of cats, complementing The authorization of 2012. It was requested the execution of an 'Integral Management Plan' of the colonies of authorized cats, establishing a period of one month for compliance.

According to the veterinary study carried out on six specimens of these colonies, it seems obvious to conclude that this plan has not been executed by those responsible.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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