Portal de Cartagena


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Hall A of the Auditorium is renamed Isidoro Maiquez (29/05/2017)

This noon has taken place the act of nomination of room A of the Auditorium of El Batel as Sala de Isidoro Máiquez, fulfilling the full agreement of the past February 23, 2017, which approved to dedicate this space to the outstanding actor and playwright Cartagena de los Eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, within the activities of the Year of the Enlightenment.

During the ceremony, the mayor recalled the merits that he reaped throughout his career, not only in the world of interpretation, but also in relation to the organization of theatrical functions and the role of the different professionals and participants.

The actor Isidoro Máiquez Rabay was born in Cartagena, on March 17, 1768. He was the son of actors and dedicated to the profession of his parents.

Debutó in Madrid in 1791 in the company of the actor Martínez, in the theater of the Prince.

He was protected early by the Dukes of Osuna, receiving from them and Godoy, the necessary aid to form in Paris, where he studied with François Joseph Talma.

He introduced in the Spanish scene the novelties of the French theater and, above all, the naturalistic interpretation of his master, taking great care of the costumes and the decorations.

His success in Madrid was immediate after his interpretation, in 1802, of Othello of Shakespeare, becoming the great actor of the Spanish scene.

His activity as a writer, theater director, with a noble concept of his profession, and teacher of young actors, was decisive in the development and modernity of the Spanish theatrical interpretation, promoting the creation of a National School of Declamation.

As playwright, he is the author of a regulation, in 1818, in which some important reforms in the theatrical life of Madrid were raised.

Curious measures, some of them, that give idea of ​​what was the theater then and the important turn that it propitió like:

Creation of a Board to administer the funds, composed by the two authors (businessman and playwright) and two comedians from each theater.

Fusion of the interests of the two traditional 'companies of verse', with one of 'sung' and another of 'baile'.

Conservation of the position of 'author', which in the scheme of the time, was the equivalent of theatrical entrepreneur.

To elevate the figure of the director, so that his opinion prevails in the organization of the order of work and the tests, being able to require in case of conflict the mediation of the corregidor.

Announce on the posters the name of the artists.

Suppression of street vendors in theaters.

Implementation of night functions.

Suppression of the figure of the gracious (who announced the successive functions.

The freedom of the companies was under the authority of the corregidor of the town.

The mayor also recalled that Máiquez was, also, one of the pioneers in the defense of the creation of a National School of Declamation.

And ended his speech with a sonnet that Leandro Fernández de Moratín dedicated to Máiquez:

You only guess art you know

That the affections heat and calm;

You virtue to strengthen the soul,

Which to gold, to iron, to oppression resists.

Inimitable actor, you deserved

Among your own the first palm,

And friend, pupil and emulator of Talma,

The admiration of the world divided:

To whom did you leave your successor dying?

Who should expect such decorum

The scene, you lose, and you abandon?

Thus said Melpomene, and pouring

Tears in the tomb of Isidore

Scepter, and purple, and crown.

The second deputy mayor, Francisco Calderón, the councilor of the Culture and Heritage Area, Ricardo Segado, the spokesman for Citizen, Manuel Padín, the councilor of the popular group, Esperanza Nieto, and the Citizen were present at the event. , Ana Rama.

The exposed plaque reproduces the silhouette of the popular statue of Isidoro Máiquez from the Plaza de San Francisco.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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