Portal de Cartagena


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Sustainable Development will allocate 15.2 million euros to investments in infrastructure (26/05/2017)

The mayor of Cartagena, José López, the councilor of Hacienda, Isabel García, and the general director of Infrastructure of the City Council, Manuel Nicolás, have appeared this morning to present the program of investments and works that have been or will be carried out throughout Of 2017 by the Sustainable Development Area headed by López.

A total investment that will amount to 15.2 million euros and the mayor has wanted to highlight the variety of actions and wide reach at the level of neighborhoods and councils in a way that will directly benefit the largest number of citizens.

An investment plan that the Councilor for Finance has described as the "most ambitious and participatory in the history of the municipality" and has been achieved thanks to the criteria of optimization of resources, transparency and technical rigor in municipal management.

With them, Garcia has been able to reduce the tax burden on citizens with a general fall in taxes, rates and public prices, and the municipal debt has been amortized by more than 55 million euros, that is, Reduced by more than 30%.

Within this debt amortized, the councilor wanted to point out that "among other elements of the debt amortized are the ICO loans" requested by the previous government team, which has meant the cancellation of a budget adjustment plan imposed by the Ministry of Finance Treasury until the year 2022.

All this has generated a saving that has favored the surplus in the municipal coffers that "is reflected in the municipal budget and, of course, in the investments in the year 2017", explained the mayor.

In the works that are underway, at the construction or bidding stage, 2,170,000 euros have already been invested by the Department of Sustainable Development and another 1.2 million euros by the Casco Antiguo Company in the projects that Are detailed below:

Torres Park: € 180,000.

Licenciado Cascales Street: € 110,000.

Plaza homage to Jiménez de la Espada: € 40,000.

Adequacy extension administrative building: € 100,000.

Recovery of the Amphitheater: € 200,000.

Reurbanización Plaza del Lago and surroundings: 350,000 €.

Soccer fields of José María Lapuerta and 600: 600,000.


Municipal Nursery: € 120,000.

Park in front of the sports palace: € 120,000.

ASTUS Rush: € 40,000.

Park Canino park of the Rose: € 40,000.

Calle Alfonso XIII of Los Dolores: € 50,000.

CATAD Adequacy: € 120,000.

Adequacy Huerto de las Bolas: € 100,000.

And on the part of Casco Antiguo:

Rectification of deficiencies in the urbanization of the university district: € 600,000.

Square and distributor of traffic in access to the mount sacro from Sor Francisca Armendáriz: 600,000 €.

To these investments must add a million and a half euros for the project of participatory budgets that will be allocated to nine of the 93 proposals made by the citizens themselves, and that will serve to improve the infrastructure of districts and councils thanks to the positive mobilization of groups Citizens.

Regarding the investment that remains to be made, throughout the remainder of 2017 will be executed the "Sustainable Investment Plan of the City of Cartagena," which will allow to invest an additional 3.2 million euros during this year as soon as they are approved The general budgets of the state, and the breakdown is as follows:

Reurbanización Alicante square, firm and medium Paseo Alfonso XIII: 780,000 €.

Asphalted road Alameda de San Antón: 380.000 €.

Rotary submarine Peral: € 150,000.

Plaza Paredes (La Azohía): € 110,000.

Integral recovery programs of the municipality:

Steel: 200,000 € in areas of San Félix, Urbanización Mediterráneo and Fuente de Cubas among others.

Asphalted: 400,000 € in areas such as Los Dolores, Perín, El Albujón, Pozo Estrecho, Barrio Peral, El Algar, alumbres, Vista alegre and Galifa, among others.

Street lighting: 400,000 € in areas such as Los Belones, El Algar, Santa Lucía, Barrio Peral, Los Barreros, San Felix, Los Dolores, among others.

Accessibility and mobility in districts and councils (fairways): € 800,000 in areas of San Antón, Santa Lucía, Barrio Peral, among others.

The budget is completed by investments in: hydraulic infrastructure, over half a million euros (for supply 259,711.79 euros, for sewerage 270,788, 87 euros);

Improvement and maintenance works in health centers, sports and educational facilities;

The renewal of the police fleet;

The million euros that approximately manage the Neighborhood Boards;

The 740,000 euros that will be allocated as of June.

This Sustainable Investment Plan, known as the ISA plan, has been made possible thanks to the work in the area shared by the mayor with the Councilor for the Treasury and Interior, Francisco Aznar, and has been configured according to the real needs of the neighbors Thanks to the pilot experience of participatory budgets.

The mayor wanted to end his speech by highlighting the fact that he has been able to double the investment budget since 2015, from the 7.7 million euros spent by the former corporation in the last budgets he made to the current 15 , 2 million euros above disaggregated.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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