Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The esplanade of the port was gala for the solemn descent of Bandera on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces. A multitude of citizens, tourists and curious people approached to the place where this act was celebrated in which the military worl (26/05/2017)

The esplanade of the quay Alfonso XII was stage Thursday of the ceremony of solemn descent of the Flag on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Armed Forces of 2017.

Once again, the army merged with civil society and gave life and color to the city in a ceremony attended by a Joint Honors Company formed by sections of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Civil Guard , Accompanied by the Music Unit of the Third of Levante and the Battery of Salvos of the Artillery Regiment Antiaircraft No. 73 of the Army of Earth.

The event, which was chaired by the Maritime Action Admiral, Manuel de la Puente Mora-Figueroa, was attended by Regional Assembly President Rosa Peñalver, the mayor of Cartagena, José López, the spokesperson and adviser of Transparency And Participation of the regional Government, Noelia Arroyo, and the Arsenal admiral, Aniceto Rosique, among other authorities.

After the arrival of the Joint Honors Company to the esplanade of the port on Paseo Alfonso XII, the solemn descent took place at the time of sunset, while the National Anthem accompanied by artillery salutes, before the attentive eyes of tourists and curious and Of the citizens of the port city.

Once the honors were given to the flag was the moment of the prayer and after the conclusion of the act the sections accompanied by the band between military marches were retired.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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