Portal de Cartagena


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The excavation work continues in the Archaeological Park of the Windmill Will there be surveys with a total budget of 24,000? (23/05/2017)

And has a lead time of five weeks |

Begin the archaeological works that give continuity to the great 'Integral Project of Recovery and Conservation of the Neighborhood of the Roman Forum.

Molinete ', financed by the Repsol Foundation and promoted by the City of Cartagena through Cartagena Puerto de Culturas.

"The works consist of the archaeological survey of 100 square meters in the lower terrace of the forum, next to the façade of the curia.The proposed work area is located at the height of the archaeological remains of the highimperial period, below the quota Current of circulation that mark the present streets Adarve and Balcones Azules ", explained the deputy mayor and president of Cartagena Port of Cultures, Ana Belén Castejón.

It is a work area that has been partially excavated in previous campaigns and found structures related to the atrium, remnants of the façade of the curia building towards the forum, infrastructures related to its functioning, as well as very Partial of the portico as well as of the staircase that communicates the lower terrace with the superior of the forum.

"This survey is carried out with the objective of obtaining the necessary data for the drafting of the conservation projects and the museographic adequacy of the environment, as well as to resolve the connection between the public square of the forum and the atrium that precedes the meeting room of the Curia, "said Ana Belén Castejón.

The total budget for the execution of these works is € 24,000, VAT included, and has an execution term of five weeks.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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