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The agreement between Ayuntamiento and AFORCA will try to recover the original appearance of the Despeñaperros Fort. The two institutions will allocate half a million euros to these works in an agreement that will last two years (23/05/2017)

The Association of Veteran Friends of the Carthaginian Castles, its Fortresses, Walls, Old Towers and Batteries of Cartagena (AFORCA) and the Cartagena City Council, will work jointly for the rehabilitation of the mountain and fortress of Despeñaperros.

This is what the agreement signed by the mayor, José López, and the mayor of AFORCA, Juan Lorenzo Gómez-Vizcaíno, signed this afternoon.

The agreement contemplates the cleaning and conditioning of the hill known as San José or Despeñaperos and the rehabilitation and restoration of the well-known fortification of Caballero de Despeñaperros in the most approximate way possible to its original configuration in order to be visitable.

AFORCA undertakes to pay for the rehabilitation of the fortress up to the limit of the compensation of the sentence that declared illegal the auction of the Wall of the Sea, estimated at 435 thousand euros.

The City Council will be responsible for the cleaning and surface clearing of the hill to which will be allocated 75 thousand euros.

The term of the agreement will be two years, extendable by mutual agreement between the parties for annuities up to a maximum of four years.

Gómez-Vizcaíno has considered as a "milestone" for AFORCA the closing of this agreement that has been managing for several years, and that will be only the beginning of a long project.

It seeks to restore the appearance of the fort in origin, which has nothing to do with its current appearance.

"It was a long-delayed work, at a time when the bulwark had lost its validity, but on that hill was the most convenient with some high merlons of almost two meters high," said the mayor of AFORCA.

The merlons formed a total of 10 gunships with which the fortress was protected and the points destined to its defense.

The project will now be submitted to the court that set the compensation, which must approve that the same is allocated to these works.

Once this approval is obtained, the project will begin, for which several sketches already exist, and in which the architect José Amorós and his team will work together with municipal technicians.

The intention is to perform the restoration from outside to inside, so that the first thing to recover is the external aspect for the urban landscape of the city.

The mayor has had a memory of the former mayor, Aureliano Gómez-Vizcaíno, "who worked very hard to get that sentence that all lovers of heritage" consider "exemplary and exemplary," and with it "is going to materialize the fruit Of their struggle ".

He has indicated that it is a "happy day for Cartagena" and that soon after a short time it will be possible to recover one more fortress for the city ", which will finish all the area of ​​the Polytechnic University with the Barracks of Antigones And the Marina Hospital form a whole ".

The access road, which will be recovered by the City Council, will recover according to what was originally done, and will leave from the parking area next to Antigones, Lopez reported.


It is a work that is built following a report by Colonel Salvador Medina in 1860, which emphasized the need to build this fortification to defend the gates of San José and serve as the last stronghold of the city in the In case of losing it.

Another of the missions that had was that, in case of losing the Castle of Moors, to be able to beat it by rear.

That is why a fortress was built with gunboats on three fronts: east of the city, the Castle of the Moors and the Gates of San Jose.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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