Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The Local Police establishes a special device for Museum Night (19/05/2017)

The Local Police of Cartagena will establish a special security device for the celebration of the Museum Night, tomorrow Saturday, May 20, which will guarantee a fixed permanence of the agents in the zones where the organized events will be celebrated and especially in The pedestrian areas of the Historical Center of the city, where the influx of thousands of people is expected.


With this reason will be closed to traffic downtown in the city from 18:00 hours.

To this end, the appropriate signs will be placed in the Juan XXIII square, Ángel Bruna Street, corner of Calle San Juan, and Calle Gisbert, Calle San Diego.


The Local Police recommends on the other hand the people who come that day to the city, to use public transport.

In this sense it is recalled that from eight in the afternoon to two in the morning, there will be a circular bus service, with a frequency of 15 minutes that will link the Municipal Archaeological Museum with the Glass Museum, leaving from the roundabout From Calle Ramón y Cajal, stopping at Plaza Héroes de Cavite and Plaza Almirante Bastarreche until finishing in front of the FAVCAC in Santa Lucia, from where you will return to the starting point.

The last exit from the Glass Museum will be at two in the morning.

In addition, bus lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will have an uninterrupted extraordinary schedule from eight in the afternoon to two and a half in the morning.

The price of this service will be only 1 euro and with your purchase can be accessed, without added cost, to buses throughout the service period.

The buses belonging to this service will wear on their identification posters the name of the cultural event "NIGHT OF THE MUSEUMS",

The Local Police also recommends the use of the parking that is in the vicinity of the Historic District, such as:

Port Parking

Parking of the Pza. Del Rey

Parking of the Par.

Parking of the Pza. Of Spain.

Parking on the street Angel Bruna.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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