Portal de Cartagena


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Narzo Well begins its patron saint festivities with the pregon in the party hall (18/05/2017)

The Festival of the Field, Music and Flowers of Pozo Estrecho, which already warmed engines last Sunday with a lunch rider and on Tuesday with the XXIII Cooking Contest, officially start this Friday May 19 with the Preach of the 2017 Celebrations at 22 : 00 hours.

In this edition has been chosen as a pregonera to the deputy mayor, Ana Belén Castejón, who will address the Galileans and all those who visit the cartagenera deputation on such a marked date.

The event will take place in the Fair Center 'Huerta Paco Saura' of Pozo Estrecho and the same will also attend the councilman of Culture, David Martinez, to enjoy this first evening of the holidays

The event will be preceded by the parade and coronation of Queens and Godfathers of the Fiestas.

After the proclamation, attendees will be able to enjoy music and food before the 'DJ Duel' begins, in which DJ Jota (Josema) and Show DJ (Santi) will set the rhythm from midnight until well into the night.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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