Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena



The Sectorial Table for the elaboration of the Regulation of Citizen Participation met Monday under the chairmanship of the Councilor for Decentralization, Juan Pedro Torralba.

This is the second meeting to be held this month, in which there will be new meetings on 18, 23 and 29, with the aim that the document can be concluded before the summer.

As the first item on the agenda was the continuation of the chapter on Citizen Entities, Registration, rights and obligations, and finalized in full.

The Councilor for Decentralization was very pleased with the progress of the work.

"We are meeting the schedule of meetings planned and, if everything continues as before, the new regulation will be ready before the summer," he said.

The working group was attended by Juan Pedro Torralba, president of the Citizen Participation Table;

María José Soler, representative of the Citizen Movement;

Manuel Padín, representative of Citizens;

Diego Ortega, representative of the Popular Party;

Pilar Marcos, representative of Cartagena If It Can;

Cristina Roca, President of the Federation of Neighborhood Associations and experts of Citizens, Partido Popular and Federation of AA.VV.

At the next meeting, which will be on May 18, will work on the Organs of Citizen Participation.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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