Portal de Cartagena


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detail of Cartagena


The Local Police of Cartagena intervenes a katana to an individual with psychiatric antecedents The man supposedly would have threatened to some neighbors of Los Nietos and would have caused annoyances by noise and by throwing of objects during the p (15/05/2017)

Agents of the Local Police of Cartagena destined to the zone of The Algar intervened in the morning of this Sunday in Los Nietos after receiving a warning of 112 alerting about an individual who was annoying to the neighbors and that carried a katana type sword.

The agents appeared in the place after getting in touch with relatives of the individual who allegedly carried the katana.

The man had to be attended by an ambulance medicalized in the place and later had to be transferred to the Area of ​​Psychiatry of the Hospital Santa Lucía, due to that he was disturbed and also had psychiatric antecedents.

The alleged perpetrator of the events would have threatened neighbors of the place during the previous night, also generating annoyance by noise and even by throwing objects.

A relative of the inmate has delivered to the Local Police nine white weapons, such as swords, machetes, daggers and knives, which he had at his home.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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