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detail of Cartagena


Santa Florentina Market will have a new low temperature pre-cooked food station (11/05/2017)

Santa Florentina Market will soon have a new low-temperature pre-cooked food stall.

This technique, typical of haute cuisine, consists in subjecting the vacuum-packed products to temperatures always below 100 ° C, mostly in the 65 ° C environment.

In this way they cook meats and fish and other foods, which need hours of preparation.

At the Santa Florentina Market stand, these vacuum-packed and refrigerated meals can be purchased, which can then be finished cooking in the oven, pan or microwave in just fifteen minutes.

"We want the market to be more attractive every day and that is why we were a priority in terms of innovation and female entrepreneurship. We have achieved our goal with the implementation of this new food station cooked at low temperature and with one specialized in Iberian sausage "Highlighted the Deputy Mayor and head of the Economic Strategy Area, Ana Belén Castejón.

In addition, the market place will also have an egg shop and a fish shop.

"In the latter case we must celebrate that it is a young entrepreneur who has gone from being employed in another position to set up her own," said the deputy mayor.

The goal of Commerce is to put to tender every six months vacancies, "to ensure that it will always be at full capacity," Castejón said.

From the Economic Strategy Area, we also want to help merchants by expanding the area of ​​influence of the Plan of Support to Investment in the Old Chest (PAICA), so that they can request their aid and start a new line of microcredit at 0 Percent interest.

"We want to offer all the facilities because we are betting on our traditional commerce and there is no better example than our market square," Castejón reiterated.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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