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Social Services renews its agreement with La Huertecica (10/05/2017)

The Department of Social Services has recently renewed its collaboration agreement with La Huertecica, which this year will provide a total amount of 140,000 euros, which will be earmarked for programs to prevent drug addiction and rehabilitation.

"The proximity of this entity to the social reality and its ability to provide an immediate response makes it one of the fundamental instruments to combat social emergency situations of people with drug dependence problems," said the Councilor for Social Services , Carmen Martin of Love.

The mayor stressed that "in the current economic and social situation, it is indispensable the support, reinforcement and collaboration of non-profit social organizations that perform an essential task in the fight against social exclusion."

The purpose of this agreement are three projects included in the framework of the Municipal Plan for Addictions and Drug Addiction (PMAD):

Program of Prevention of addictive behaviors directed to minors and families, offering help in the beginning of the problematic, modifying the risk factors and fomenting the abilities of the parents in the appearance and development of the factors of protection associated to the consumption of drugs.

Support in the maintenance of care resources, rehabilitation and insertion of drug addicts, such as the Center of Encounter and Reception, located in the center of the city, and the Day Center, located in Santa Ana.

The Department of Social Services and Social Mediation prioritizes the aid for non-profit social organizations whose action focuses on the attention of population groups in greater social exclusion and within them, those that cover basic needs .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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