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Cs Cartagena brings to the Committee of Agreements of the Plenary 16 initiatives that the Government has not yet executed (09/05/2017)

- Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, said: "It has not been easy, but the effort and the waiting have been worthwhile, from today this City Hall wins in transparency and democracy by allowing real control, and Effective of the opposition to the action of the Government ".

- The creation of this Commission was proposed by the Municipal Group of Citizens in the plenary session of February 2016 and was unanimously approved by the 27 councilors of the Corporation.

The Citizens spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, participated today in the first operational session of the Commission for Execution of the Agreements of the Plenary.

The creation of this Commission was proposed by the Municipal Group of Citizens in the plenary session of February 2016 and was unanimously approved by the 27 councilors of the Corporation.

The mayor of Cartagena, José López, delegated the presidency of this oversight body to Transparencia Councilwoman, María José Soler.

Citizens have taken a first list of agreements that were approved by the municipal plenum but are still unfinished today, "there are 16 initiatives that we have taken to this Commission and of which little or nothing we know", among them: The necessary actions to return to Cartagena the Photographic Historical Center of the Region of Murcia, the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in the City of Cartagena, the restoration of the main funerary monuments of the cemetery Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, and the adhesion of Cartagena to the European Route of Cemeteries, the armor of the Academy of Pharmacy Santa Maria of Spain and the assignment of a municipal public facility for the creation of the Regional Museum of Pharmacy, the creation and constitution of the Neighborhood Council of Rincon de San Gines, the habilitation of shelters in the Greenway of the Field of Cartagena, the habilitation as space of game and sport of a

The plot of Miranda deputation, the installation of public urinals in the streets of Cartagena, the application of Cartagena's candidacy to host one of the most important cultural festivals in Europe, EUROPEADE, the city's adherence to the Spanish Network of Cities for the Climate, the Plan for the integral improvement of the Torres Park, the adhesion to the Spanish Association of Parks and Public Gardens (AEPJP), to initiate an ordinance to regulate the security measures and accessibility of these spaces in The municipality, campaigning against the bottle and to raise awareness about the collection of feces in public way, convene for the first time in the history of Cartagena Tourism Advisory Council, provide information services to taxpayers who have not obtained capital gains with The transfer of real estate in Cartagena so that they can claim the amounts paid as Tax on the Increase of the Value

R of Urban Land and the requirement to urge the Ministry of Education and Universities to undertake in writing to undertake the necessary expansion of the public school of El Albujón "LUIS VIVES" complying with the current regulations.

More democracy and more transparency

It was at the beginning of 2016 that this Group, after taking stock of the state of execution of the initiatives approved by the municipal plenary, concluded that more than half of the initiatives of Partido Popular, CTSSP-Podemos and Citizens were not being executed, or Was completely unaware of its condition, and that it was therefore necessary to correct this dysfunction.

Citizens submitted a motion for the creation of a committee to follow up the plenary agreements in order to ensure and control that the PSOE Government Team and Citizen Movement meets or at least attempts to comply with the agreements adopted and set a quarterly periodicity in the Text approved.

The Citizens' spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín, said: "It has not been easy, but the effort and the waiting has been worthwhile, from today this City Hall wins in transparency and democracy by allowing real, effective control Of opposition to the government's actions ".

Citizens believe that this Commission will not only allow the Partido Popular, CTSSP-Podemos and Citizens to supervise the work of the local Government as it is their duty, but "will prevent these municipal groups from feeling obliged to register more and more questions regarding the degree of compliance Of a specific motion and therefore optimize the ordinary sessions of the Plenary, "said Manuel Padín.

"There is a very high percentage of plenary agreements that were promoted by Citizens or supported by our Group along with the rest of the opposition parties that are not being executed or do not know anything about them," said the spokesman for the formation orange .

In addition, Citizens believe that this body should prepare a report on the degree of implementation of each agreement in process, allow to request the advice of the groups affected by the agreements if necessary, and check that the final provisions are not contrary to the objectives set In the motion.

"Another of the points that we wanted to make clear from the beginning is that the content of this Commission must include all agreements, the resolutions and the non-resolutions," warned the spokesperson Citizens.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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