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Why the postal code is important for health (08/05/2017)

Experts in public health debate for years that no more than 10% of the variation in health can be due to the health care.

Thus, the rest depends mainly on the so-called social determinants of health: educational level and poverty, environment, quality of work or housing, food, social participation, solidarity communities, etc.

'Why your postal code is more important than your genetic code for your health' is the subject to be addressed in the next talk-colloquium organized by the cycle 'Read, think, imagine', this Wednesday, May 10, at 20.00 hours in the Adult Library of the Cultural Center Ramón Alonso Luzzy and that will deal with factors that determine the health, foreign to our organism.

Through this informative talk, which involves Mario Soler, family physician and community-centered health care expert, and Diego Cruzado Beriguistain, president of the Third Sector Platform, is intended to inform attendees of the importance of External agents for our health.

Thus, through the postal code you can find the level of pollution, the level of quality of life or other risks that depend on the environment, not our own body, and influence our health.

With the cycle 'The social determinants of health', which is scheduled the talk of this Wednesday May 10 at the Ramón Alonso Luzzy Cultural Center, which organizes 'Read, think, imagine', in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the City of Cartagena and the citizen platform for the transparency of the health system NoGracias, is intended to inform on other forms of health care, as well as to expand alternative models of research in the health field, not focused exclusively on the Field of medicine where 90% of resources are allocated.

The attendance to this act is of free character and free, until completing capacity.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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