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Citizens asks the Community that valley the perimeter of the grounds of Zinsa in the neighborhood of Torreciega (08/05/2017)

- The Municipal Group of Citizens in Cartagena has sent all the documentation that they have on the matter to the regional deputies to study the possibility and feasibility of initiating a legislative initiative to pressure the Community and that it execute in a subsidiary way the works of fence around Of the perimeter to protect the population of Torreciega.

- The regional deputy, Luis Fernández, has also referred to the negative visual impact and the feeling of abandonment that it produces to visitors arriving in Cartagena.

"It is not the most appropriate image for a city that has one of its main sources of income in tourism."

The Citizen spokesman in Cartagena, Manuel Padín has transferred to the Parliamentary Group of Cs in the Regional Assembly of the problems that have been living for years the residents of the neighborhood of Torreciega on the occasion of the contaminated land occupied since 2009, Zinc (Zinsa).

"Residents of this neighborhood have been living for too long with these discomforts and serious risks to their physical integrity and health (waste rafts, ruined buildings, rubble) and want urgent solutions," said Cs Cartagena spokesman.

The Municipal Group has sent all the documentation that they have on the subject to the regional deputies of Citizens to study the possibility and feasibility of initiating a legislative initiative to pressure the Community and that it execute in a subsidiary way the works of fence around the perimeter for Protect the population of Torreciega.

As reported by the newspaper La Verdad, 'the absence of a fence or wall has facilitated the theft of metallic material and poses a risk for children and adults who can fall from several meters high in several points of this area where There are pockets of unhealthy rotting water pools, wells with broken brocals, and large marshes of waste '.

According to Manuel Padín, "this population lives corralled and trapped between the land of Zinsa and El Hondón, where until 2001 the fertilizers factory Potasas y Derivados (of the Ercros Group) worked, but at least in the Hondón they have been undertaken Some measures to limit and limit the area. "

The spokesperson for the Orange Formation in Cartagena has criticized the "passivity" of the Community that motivates their inaction arguing that a judicial procedure is paralyzing any movement, and agrees to explain that they have already made several requirements to the new owners of the land Banco Popular, and Sareb) to pay for the cost of fencing (one of the basic complaints of neighbors), without obtaining a response so far, "we believe that health and protection of citizens should be the priority, Torreciega neighbors Can not pay the judicial and administrative entanglements between owners and institutions.Thus we think that the regional government must do everything necessary to fulfill the claim of these neighbors, in a subsidiary way, as long as the judicial process is developed and finalized and then passed Invoice to whom it corresponds ", assured Padín.

The Parliamentary Group supports the initiative

Luis Fernández, regional deputy of Citizens, has lamented the neglect of the administration.

"We have received documentation from our Municipal Group and we have immediately moved to the area where we have been able to check the poor condition of the land. We are going to start a legislative initiative because we want the new regional government to proceed as soon as possible Possible, to its cleanliness and regeneration as the current situation is causing numerous discomforts, and even risks to neighbors. "

Likewise, Fernandez has also referred to the negative visual impact and the feeling of abandonment that it produces to the visitors who arrive at Cartagena.

"It is not the most appropriate image for a city that has one of its main sources of income in tourism," he concluded.

Source: Ciudadanos Cartagena

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