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Three weekends to celebrate the Ascension of the Lord in Las Lomas del Albujon (08/05/2017)

The last three weekends of May, from the 12th to the 28th of this month, Las Lomas del Albujón will be filled with music, shows and activities to celebrate the celebrations of this locality around the day of the Ascension of the Lord, organized by the Commission of Fiestas with the collaboration of the Council of Festivities of the City of Cartagena and the Board of Neighbors of El Albujón.

On Friday, 12, the Aljonova Youth Association will begin to animate the streets until the official kick-off with the lighting of lights and the inauguration of the venue and the tent of the parties at 22:30 hours by the president of the Neighborhood Board, Angel Nieto.

Then the mayor of Cartagena, José López, will be in charge of giving the proclamation that announces the start of the celebrations.

The dances will be the tonic on festive nights, enlivened by: the duo First Line, the trio Iguana, the duo Azabache, the trio Acuarela and the duo Jema, on Fridays and Saturdays about 10:00 p.m. or 10:30 p.m.

Each of the evenings will be accompanied by a snack at dawn so that the attendants can continue with the chocolate-based march with churros, crumbs or bread with sobrasada.

With the evenings to move the skeleton will interweave nights of theater and music.

The show titled 'How the years have passed', will move attendees in the 60s and 70s with an original staging of music, dance and humor on Sunday the 14th at night;

'A son de Mar', choir and rondalla, will put lyrics and melody to the night of Sunday 21;

And the plays 'La parada' and 'Tentaruja y Compañía' will lighten the night of Friday 26.

Cultural and sports activities will complete the program with a varied offer for all audiences.

The neighbors and visitors can enjoy a contest of colombicultura, a meeting of bolillo, a concentration of classic motorcycles, a hiker route from the dock of Santiago in Cartagena to La Aljorra or the championship of caliche.

Of course, the younger ones will also have activities especially dedicated to them.

Saturday 13 will be Children's Day, with attractions and free activities that will start at 11:00 and end at 18:00.

The following Saturday they have organized games and a snack also for them from 18:00 hours.

Sunday 28 will be the big day that will begin with the ringing of bells and the flowered target starting at 8:00 in the morning.

Already at 10:00 the floats and typical rocieros costumes will adorn the streets of the town before the traditional popular paella at a symbolic price of 1 euro the plate from 14:00 hours.

At 20:00 the Mass of the Ascension of the Lord will be celebrated, followed by a procession through the streets of the town, where women are invited to wear tiles and mantillas.

At 22:00 the singer M.ª Jose Lorente and the magician Guillermo will be in charge of softening that last night to which a fireworks castle will put the final point.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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