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The finalists of the IV Philosophical Olympiad of Spain visit Cartagena (05/05/2017)

Since 2013, the Philosophical Olympiad of Spain, organized by the Spanish Philosophy Network, has been held throughout Spain as a meeting place for pupils and secondary school teachers who want to make free thinking not a mere school obligation, but a Lifestyle.

In this IV edition of the Philosophical Olympiad of Spain, the Region of Murcia becomes the stage where the different activities scheduled for Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6 will take place.

The city of Cartagena will be responsible for hosting the 80 students from 17 autonomous communities that participate in this philosophical day, to know the port city and its corners through guided tours that will begin at 17.00 hours.

Just before this activity will be received at the Consistorial Palace at 4.45 pm the Councilor for Tourism, Obdulia Gómez.

After the reception they will make a tour in the Tourist Boat and they will visit the Theater and the District of the Roman Forum.

In this IV Philosophical Olympiad of Spain 458 schools of 16 autonomous communities have participated and have been finalists 64 students in the four modalities of competition: 22 in Philosophical Dissertation, 16 in Moral Dilemma, 17 in Photography and 9 in Video.

Every year, the organizing committee of this event chooses a topic of reflection that is common for the four modalities.

This year, the theme chosen is: "New technologies and human identity".

The City Council of Cartagena collaborates in the organization of this edition of the Philosophical Olympiad together with the Spanish Network of Philosophy, the Philosophy Society of the Region of Murcia, the IES Francisco Cascales de Murcia, the Department of Philosophy and the Faculty of Philosophy of The University of Murcia, the Seneca Foundation of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the City of Murcia and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

In addition, it should be noted that in this field, the Department of Culture collaborates with the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Murcia in the development of activities of the Cartagena Piensa program, which includes many activities of philosophy, on the idea of ​​incorporating philosophical thinking To the public culture.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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