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The women's team of the Marist Brothers CB, new regional champion (05/05/2017)

The councilman of Sports, Ricardo Segado, received yesterday afternoon, in the Palace Molina of Cartagena, the players of the Handball Club Maristas infantil infantil, equipment that has been proclaimed, recently, regional champion.

The young athletes were accompanied by María José Cerezuela, as representative of the club.

Segado congratulated the members of the CB Marist Women's Child for the achievement harvested after "make a magnificent season".

The edil of Sports transmitted to the whole team "the pride that supposes for Cartagena" that the CB Marist female child represents the Region in the Championship of Spain of the category.

In the same way, Ricardo Segado gave to the CB Maristas infantil infantil a Cartagena flag, inviting the regional champions "to walk with pride" during his next participation in the state competition.

Likewise, the players showed to the municipal responsible of Sports the cup obtained after proclaiming champions of the regional title.

The Marist Women's CB, trained by José Luis Torres, has completed a 2016-2017 season that can be qualified as a perfect position, as well as proclaiming winners of the finals for the title, a meeting held at the Isaac Arena in Cartagena and in the That defeated in the last party to the Association Abaranera of Handball, also finished in first position of the regular League organized by the Regional Federation of Handball.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena

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